<DKIM> offlineimap stop working after update

Wojciech Żuk wojciech.zuk at gmail.com
Sat Jul 15 11:58:38 BST 2017

Meanwhile I have updated (system wide installation) to newest 7.1.2 and I
think i resolved problem with certificates  - I added to every
repository sslcacertfile
= /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

but have next problem, offlineIMAP runs without errors but not syncing

#### General informations

- system/distribution (with version): Linux Debian 9.0
- offlineimap version (`offlineimap -V`): 7.1.2
- Python version: 2.7.9
- server name or domain:
- CLI options:

#### Configuration file offlineimaprc

# Path to file with arbitrary Python code to be loaded
pythonfile = ~/.offlineimap.py
accounts = WP, polan

[Account WP]
localrepository = WPlocal
remoterepository = Gmail-wp

[Account polan]
localrepository = polanlocal
remoterepository = Gmail-polan

[Repository WPlocal]
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
type = IMAP
remotehost = imap.wp.pl
remoteport = 993
ssl = yes
createfolders = false
remoteuser = .... at wp.pl
#remotepasseval = get_pass()
remotepasseval = unencrypt_password("~/.offlineimappass")
folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in ['Trenowanie', 'Xpertis',
'Citibank', 'Mbank', 'INBOX', 'Wys&AUI-ane']
nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub  ('INBOX', '.... at wp.pl',
                                re.sub ('Xpertis', '.... at wp.pl/Xpertis',
                                re.sub ('Citibank', '.... at wp.pl/Citibank',
                                re.sub ('Mbank', '.... at wp.pl/Mbank',
                                re.sub ('Trenowanie', '.... at wp.pl/Trenowanie
                                re.sub ('Wys&AUI-ane', '....@
wp.pl/Wys&AUI-ane', foldername))))))

[Repository Gmail-wp]
auth_mechanisms  = LOGIN
type = Gmail
ssl = yes
createfolders = false
#realdelete = true
# Synchronize only the folders Inbox and Sent:
folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in ['.... at wp.pl/Trenowanie', '....@
                                         '.... at wp.pl/Citibank', '....@
wp.pl/Mbank', '.... at wp.pl', '.... at wp.pl/Wys&AUI-ane']
remotehost = imap.gmail.com
remoteuser = .... at gmail.com
# Decrypt and read the encrypted password
#remotepasseval = get_pass()
remotepasseval = unencrypt_password("~/.offlineimappassgoogletwoway")
# Necessary as of OfflineIMAP 6.5.4
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
#nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('.... at wp.pl/Wys&AUI-ane', 'Test', 'Test')
#nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('.... at wp.pl/Xpertis', 'Xpertis',
nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub ('.... at wp.pl', 'INBOX',
                                re.sub ('.... at wp.pl/Xpertis', 'Xpertis',
                                re.sub ('.... at wp.pl/Citibank', 'Citibank',
                                re.sub ('.... at wp.pl/Mbank', 'Mbank',
                                re.sub ('.... at wp.pl/Trenowanie',
                                re.sub ('.... at wp.pl/Wys&AUI-ane',
'Wys&AUI-ane', foldername))))))

[Repository polanlocal]
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
#autorefresh = 5
type = IMAP
remotehost = n18.netmark.pl
remoteport = 993
ssl = yes
createfolders = false
remoteuser = .... at .....net
#remotepasseval = get_pass()
remotepasseval = unencrypt_password("~/.offlineimappass")
#nametrans = lambda foldername: foldername.replace('wyslanee', 'Test')
folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in ['INBOX.ING TFI', 'INBOX.TP',
'INBOX.Wa&AXw-ne', 'INBOX', 'INBOX.Sent']
nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub ('INBOX.ING TFI', '.... at .....net/ING
                                re.sub ('INBOX.TP', '.... at .....net/TP',
                                re.sub ('INBOX.Wa&AXw-ne',
'.... at .....net/Wa&AXw-ne',
                                re.sub ('INBOX', '.... at .....net',
                                re.sub ('INBOX.Sent',
'.... at .....net/Wys&AUI-ane', foldername)))))

[Repository Gmail-polan]
auth_mechanisms = LOGIN
#autorefresh = 5
type = Gmail
ssl = yes
createfolders = false
#realdelete = true
# Synchronize only the folders Inbox and Sent:
folderfilter = lambda folder: folder in ['.... at .....net/ING TFI',
'.... at .....net/TP',
                                         '.... at .....net/Wa&AXw-ne',
'.... at .....net', '.... at .....net/Wys&AUI-ane']
remotehost = imap.gmail.com
remoteuser = .... at gmail.com
# Decrypt and read the encrypted password
#remotepasseval = get_pass()
remotepasseval = unencrypt_password("~/.offlineimappassgoogletwoway")
# Necessary as of OfflineIMAP 6.5.4
sslcacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub ('.... at .....net/ING TFI', 'INBOX.ING
                                re.sub ('.... at .....net/TP', 'INBOX.TP',
                                re.sub ('.... at .....net/Wa&AXw-ne',
                                re.sub ('.... at .....net', 'INBOX',
                                re.sub ('.... at .....net/Wys&AUI-ane',
'INBOX.Sent', foldername)))))

#### pythonfile (if any)
#! /usr/bin/env python2
import os
def unencrypt_password(filename):
    return os.popen("cat %s | openssl rsautl -decrypt "
                        "-inkey ~/.ssh/private.pem" % filename)\

#### Logs, error

OfflineIMAP 7.1.2
  Licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or any later version (with an OpenSSL
Now debugging for imap: IMAP protocol debugging
Now debugging for maildir: Maildir repository debugging
Now debugging for thread: Threading debugging
Now debugging for : Other offlineimap related sync messages
Account sync WP:
 [thread]: Register new thread 'Account sync WP' (account 'WP')
 [imap]: Using authentication mechanisms ['LOGIN']
 [imap]: Using authentication mechanisms ['GSSAPI', 'XOAUTH2', 'CRAM-MD5',
 *** Processing account WP
 Establishing connection to imap.gmail.com:993 (Gmail-wp)
 [imap]: Attempting LOGIN authentication
 [imap]: Attempting IMAP LOGIN authentication
 []: Filtering out 'INBOX'[Gmail-wp] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'Notes'[Gmail-wp] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '[Gmail]/Kosz'[Gmail-wp] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '[Gmail]/Oznaczone gwiazdk&AQU-'[Gmail-wp] due to
 []: Filtering out '[Gmail]/Spam'[Gmail-wp] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '[Gmail]/Wa&AXw-ne'[Gmail-wp] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '[Gmail]/Wersje robocze'[Gmail-wp] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '[Gmail]/Wys&AUI-ane'[Gmail-wp] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '..... at ......net'[Gmail-wp] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '..... at ......net/ING TFI'[Gmail-wp] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '..... at ......net/TP'[Gmail-wp] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '..... at ......net/Wa&AXw-ne'[Gmail-wp] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '..... at ......net/Wys&AUI-ane'[Gmail-wp] due to
 Establishing connection to imap.wp.pl:993 (WPlocal)
 [imap]: Attempting PLAIN authentication
 [imap]: __plainhandler: returning ..... at wp.pl(passwd hidden for log)
 []: Filtering out 'Kosz'[WPlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'Kosz'[WPlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'SPAM'[WPlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'SPAM'[WPlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'Szkice'[WPlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'Szkice'[WPlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'Analizy'[WPlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'Analizy'[WPlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'Trash'[WPlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'Trash'[WPlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Copying folder structure from Gmail-wp to WPlocal
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '[Gmail]/Kosz'[Gmail-wp]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '[Gmail]/Oznaczone gwiazdk&AQU-'[Gmail-wp]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '[Gmail]/Spam'[Gmail-wp]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '[Gmail]/Wa&AXw-ne'[Gmail-wp]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '[Gmail]/Wersje robocze'[Gmail-wp]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '[Gmail]/Wys&AUI-ane'[Gmail-wp]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder 'INBOX'[Gmail-wp]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder 'Notes'[Gmail-wp]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '..... at ......net'[Gmail-wp]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '..... at ......net/ING TFI'[Gmail-wp]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '..... at ......net/TP'[Gmail-wp]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '..... at ......net/Wa&AXw-ne'[Gmail-wp]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '..... at ......net/Wys&AUI-ane'[Gmail-wp]

 *** Finished account 'WP' in 0:02
Account sync polan:
 [thread]: Register new thread 'Account sync polan' (account 'polan')
 [imap]: Using authentication mechanisms ['LOGIN']
 [imap]: Using authentication mechanisms ['GSSAPI', 'XOAUTH2', 'CRAM-MD5',
 *** Processing account polan
 Establishing connection to imap.gmail.com:993 (Gmail-polan)
[thread]: Unregister thread 'Account sync WP'
 [imap]: Attempting LOGIN authentication
 [imap]: Attempting IMAP LOGIN authentication
 []: Filtering out 'INBOX'[Gmail-polan] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'Notes'[Gmail-polan] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '[Gmail]/Kosz'[Gmail-polan] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '[Gmail]/Oznaczone gwiazdk&AQU-'[Gmail-polan] due to
 []: Filtering out '[Gmail]/Spam'[Gmail-polan] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '[Gmail]/Wa&AXw-ne'[Gmail-polan] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '[Gmail]/Wersje robocze'[Gmail-polan] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '[Gmail]/Wys&AUI-ane'[Gmail-polan] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '..... at wp.pl'[Gmail-polan] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '..... at wp.pl/Citibank'[Gmail-polan] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '..... at wp.pl/Mbank'[Gmail-polan] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '..... at wp.pl/Trenowanie'[Gmail-polan] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out '..... at wp.pl/Wys&AUI-ane'[Gmail-polan] due to
 []: Filtering out '..... at wp.pl/Xpertis'[Gmail-polan] due to folderfilter
 Establishing connection to n18.netmark.pl:993 (polanlocal)
 [imap]: Attempting PLAIN authentication
 [imap]: __plainhandler: returning ..... at ......net(passwd hidden for log)
 []: Filtering out 'INBOX.Drafts'[polanlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'INBOX.Drafts'[polanlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'INBOX.Archive'[polanlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'INBOX.Archive'[polanlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'INBOX.Trash'[polanlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'INBOX.Trash'[polanlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'INBOX.Junk'[polanlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'INBOX.Junk'[polanlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'INBOX.SPAM'[polanlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Filtering out 'INBOX.SPAM'[polanlocal] due to folderfilter
 []: Copying folder structure from Gmail-polan to polanlocal
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '[Gmail]/Kosz'[Gmail-polan]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '[Gmail]/Oznaczone
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '[Gmail]/Spam'[Gmail-polan]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '[Gmail]/Wa&AXw-ne'[Gmail-polan]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '[Gmail]/Wersje robocze'[Gmail-polan]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '[Gmail]/Wys&AUI-ane'[Gmail-polan]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder 'INBOX'[Gmail-polan]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder 'Notes'[Gmail-polan]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '..... at wp.pl'[Gmail-polan]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '..... at wp.pl/Citibank'[Gmail-polan]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '..... at wp.pl/Mbank'[Gmail-polan]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '..... at wp.pl/Trenowanie'[Gmail-polan]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '..... at wp.pl/Wys&AUI-ane'[Gmail-polan]
 []: Not syncing filtered folder '..... at wp.pl/Xpertis'[Gmail-polan]
 *** Finished account 'polan' in 0:03
[thread]: Unregister thread 'Account sync polan'

#### Steps to reproduce the error

execute offlineimap -d ALL in console, and have above log.

I didn't touch config file as this worked before upgrade from 6 to v7

2017-07-15 12:42 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net>:

> On Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 09:43:29AM +0200, Wojciech Żuk wrote:
> >    Hi,
> Hi,
> >    I have upgrade my Debian to last 9 version, with this upgrade
> offlineimap
> >    upgraded also from 6.3 to 7.0.12 and after this upgrade it no more
> syncing
> >    my e-mails to Gmail.
> Could you add your configuration file below, please?
> --
> Nicolas Sebrecht

Wojtek Żuk
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