Greetings and quick question

Don Bivens dbivens at
Sun Mar 12 18:32:27 GMT 2017

I have what might be an odd scenario as I have not found a solution
elsewhere.  I am using the iRedMail product distro (uses IMAP on mySQL) to
backup an Exchange installation...or I'm trying to.  What I would like to
accomplish is having a real time database of all sent/received emails.
That's easy enough and I've already got that working.  What is a bit more
challenging is trying to maintain the end-user's folder structure.

The company uses folders extensively to track email for project-based
work.  An email will come in from user at and the end user will
move that email from Inbox to FolderA and so on.  The reason this is
important is for future tracking.  If they have deleted all of ProjectA
from their Exchange message store, intentionally or otherwise, they find it
easiest to search based on these folder names (as opposed to using some
kind of SQL search criteria).

So now I'm using forwards at the SMTP level to send all in/out emails from
Exchange to iRedMail (using postfix as SMTP).  Obviously this doesn't do
anything with IMAP folders.  That's how found offlineimap.  If I could run
perpetual imapsync jobs (and exclude deletions) then every time the end
user moved an email from Inbox to ProjectA the change would sync to my
backing email store in iRedMail and deletions would be ignored and then
we'd retain all emails perpetually.


Don Bivens
Carolina Networking, Inc.

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