<DKIM> Re: <DKIM> messages flag on sync

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Tue Mar 21 08:33:58 GMT 2017

[Re-adding the cc-list]

On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 12:04:51AM +0000, Jethro Tull wrote:

>    > You might like to set the maxconnections configuration option to 4 or 5.
>    >

>    I'll try, I though this was for the case of multiple accounts.

>    > You can Ctrl+C the current run. Offlineimap will resume to where it
>    > was.
>    I know this.
>    During the sync there seems to be one particular email that makes
>    offlineimap
>    raising an error, the detail is below. But nevertheless offlineimap seems
>    to
>    have completed the job as per what it said. After it finished It was a
>    mess
>    on the POP server as I described previously and almost all emails in that
>    folder were duplicated.

Yes. When emails are downloaded behind offlineimap's back they are
considered new in the local side *and* missing on the remote.

>                            Actually didn't sync, it just dumped the emails
>    and
>    unexpectedly changed the flags:
>        Folder sent [remote name [Gmail]/Sent Mail] [acc: gmail]:
>         Syncing [Gmail]/Sent Mail: IMAP -> Maildir
>         Copy message UID 422 (1/3) gmailremote:[Gmail]/Sent Mail ->
>    gmaillocal
>         Copy message UID 423 (2/3) gmailremote:[Gmail]/Sent Mail ->
>    gmaillocal
>         Copy message UID 424 (3/3) gmailremote:[Gmail]/Sent Mail ->
>    gmaillocal
>         Adding flag S to 2 messages on sent
>         Copy message UID -1 (1/1) gmaillocal:sent -> gmailremote
>         ERROR: Saving msg ([unknown message-id]) folder '[Gmail]/Sent Mail',
>         repo 'gmailremote'failed (error). Server responded: APPEND command
>         error: BAD ['Invalid Arguments: Unable to parse message']. Data:
>    XXX000
>         APPEND "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" (\Seen) "01-Jan-2017 16:00:00 +0000" {85}
>        Message content was: mokkoyymjkiauztbvlz  [ ... ]

This message was to be uploaded. I don't know why this fails but this
might be due to the previous keyboard interruption. I'd remove it from
the local maildir.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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