enormous inbox

Damien Cassou damien at cassou.me
Mon Oct 23 16:11:12 BST 2017


Sandra Snan <sandra.snan at idiomdrottning.org> writes:
> OK, so having used offlineimap for a couple of years, and only working
> with my mail locally (I have a notmuch + emacs setup), if I ever were to
> log in to my imap account (on a dovecot box) with a "normal" imap
> client, it'd bog down and crash because there are so many emails there.

I configured offlineimap so that the mail server only has emails for the
current year. Previous emails are stored locally on my computer and
backed up with the other files of the disk. The 2 scripts I use to do
that are attached to this email. The directory layout looks like this:

├── archives
│   ├── 2016
│   │   ├── Server1 (with its own Folder1)
│   │   └── Server2 (with its own Folder1)
│   └── 2017
│       ├── Server1 (with its own Folder1)
│       └── Server2 (with its own Folder1)
├── Server1
│   └── Folder1
│       ├── cur
│       ├── new
│       └── tmp
└── Server2
    └── Folder1
        ├── cur
        ├── new
        └── tmp


Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
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