nicolas.s-dev at refuses mail {for Nicolas Sebrecht only}

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Tue Sep 5 19:57:33 BST 2017

On Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 01:47:47PM +0100, ael wrote:

> Apologies for using this list for this, but I don't seem to be able to
> email Nicolas directly. Maybe this is an anti-spam measure?
> Nicolas, should my attempts to reply to you be rejected (has happened
> several times in the last few days) as below?

I have no idea what happened. This looks like a temporary error since
the message says "please, try later".

It's possible that the hoster has been working on their SMTP
servers the past few days.

They suck, though. They should buffer the sendings and deliver the
buffered emails later by themselves.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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