snap maintainer (was: Installing on raspbian)

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Sat Apr 28 11:12:46 BST 2018

On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 01:48:21PM +0100, Alan Pope wrote:

> I publish builds soon after the releases are done.  (but am happy to
> hand the snap over to upstream if they would prefer).

I didn't know this, Alan. I've assumed that the yaml file was for the
users to build the snap by their own. I have no idea what are the steps
to deliver the builds.

It would be great to let the people know that you're the snap
maintainer. Could you add yourself to the MAINTAINERS file, please?
(add a section like pypi)

I wonder it would worth adding your name in the yaml file, too.

Let me know if you'd like write access to the repo.


Nicolas Sebrecht

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