<DKIM> Re: <DKIM> Re: <DKIM> Re: <DKIM> python in offlineimaprc

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Tue Aug 28 08:07:05 BST 2018

On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 06:14:03PM +0000, J. Tull wrote:

> A python "import" command inside the offlineimap rc file? you said
> earlier that there is not "import" in the rc file. And i said even
> earlier that i tried to assign a python file to "pythonfile" in which
> i imported several functions and that these functions were not
> working in the rc files. Complaining that there's no module named so
> and so.

Sorry, if I said this for the rc file. "import" is a python statement
which can be used in the pythonfile.

> I get an error message when using "import" in the rc file:
> ConfigParser.ParsingError: File contains parsing errors: .offlineimaprc/offlineimap.conf
>         [line 25]: 'import ~/.offlineimaprc/pythonfile.py\n'
> I didn't put the litteral '\n' at the end of the import line.

You did. Not '\' followed by 'n' but the character '\n' is written.
That's the character used to start a new line. This is a non-printable
character, though.

So, this character is expected while this statement won't work in the rc

Nicolas Sebrecht

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