<DKIM> Re: Mapping INBOX to a folder

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Wed Feb 21 17:54:56 GMT 2018

On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 02:22:39PM +0100, Friedemann Schorer wrote:

> Looks to me as if the nametrans worked.
> But when I try to sync the mails all mails from host1 get filed into the 
> INBOX of host2.
> What's my error? I'm a bit lost ...

I see no error. You might try to make the regex less strict: replace




>          Friedemann
> P.S.: Sorry for not replying directly - I somehow don't receive the list 
> mails so far and have to anwser after reading replies on the list 
> archive.

If the above does not work, could you please make a bug report on
github? This will help.


Nicolas Sebrecht

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