<DKIM> read emails are marked as unread when they are moved

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Sun Jan 21 23:55:56 UTC 2018

On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 11:27:16PM +0100, Pétùr wrote:

> Description of the problem:
> 1. I open in mutt a new (unread) email.

Marked read in memory.

> 2. While this email is open, I delete it (with "d").

Marked deleted in memory.

> 3. When I reopen mutt (or press "$") I have one new unread email in trash.

For the "reopen" case it depends how mutt was closed (gently or

"$" is not to refresh but to sync on disk. It's the opposite. In this
case, the email marked deleted is removed from the local maildir on

> P-S : I suppose it is not a specific offlineimap problem but I guess
> here is a good place to find a solution. I didn't have this problem
> before using offlineimap (I suppose remote IMAP server handle
> differently the mark as read action).

Perhaps, mutt does not sync in memory operations the same way when in
IMAP mode.

Here, mutt sync changes on disk when pressing "$" or when opening
another folder.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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