Gmail bak folder?

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Sun Jan 21 13:21:34 GMT 2018

On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 07:59:34PM +0800, Mathias Korber wrote:

> I started backing up a number of my Gmail/Google Apps accounts
> uwing offlineimap and I find that for several of them (all?)
> there seems to be a folder 'bak' (with subfolders)
> that I don't see in Gmail itself
> Is that the Archive?
> Is that duplicating any emails (the numbers of messages in those
> folders are huge for some accounts, 100k messages and counting)
> Should I filter that or are those messages potentially useful?

I'm not aware of a 'bak' folders in Gmail. It's likely folders of

Nicolas Sebrecht

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