[PATCH/RFC] New feature: Update folder structure to new config parameters.

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Sat Mar 2 11:35:45 GMT 2019

Hi Hubert,

This topic looks very interesting but the lines are broken so it's very
hard to review and can't be applied.

Could you try to re-send the patch series with another tool
(did you use git-send-email ?) or make a PR please ?


On Sat, Mar 02, 2019 at 04:22:21AM -0500, Hubert Pineault wrote:
> From 38a9e7de795fff5733a8df5c4fa3b3ea8cf8a602 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
> From: Hubert Pineault <hpineault at riseup.net> Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2019
> 01:20:00 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 1/7] New feature: Update folder structure
> to new config parameters.
>   Motivation:
>     If you change some of the config file paremeters, like nametrans and
>     utf8 decode, it will completly mess your maildir folder
>     structure. So, to make changes in config file, you need to
>     re-download the whole imap account. If it weights a few gigs, it's a
>     bit annoying. With the coming of features like remote folder
>     creation and utf8 decoding of folder names, a converting tool could
>     be handy for some of us.
>   Introduction:
>     The objectif is to convert an actual maildir folder structure to a
>     new one. There is still a farely good amount of work to do in order
>     to make it ready to merge with main branch. I have already
>     identified some changes that should be made in the update
>     process. Those points are raised in details related commits'
>     messages. I will need some help with cleaning the code and, notably,
>     exceptions handling.
>     The three main points that will need a complete rewritting are:
>       - The invoking method (actually, we load two independent config
>         files)
>       - The way different config parameters are handled by objects
>       - (actually, we use two accounts, so two remote, local and status
>         repos)
>       - Instead of altering existing class, it could be a better idea to
>         create a child class specific for updating.
>   Patch content (7 commits):
>     - The one your reading. Only a commit message.  Load up new config
>     - file to which we're uploading Invoke updating process Various new
>     - methods invoked by the update-process Alterations to existing
>     - methods needed by the update process Main update method. Loop
>     - through each account, and prepare for update.  Get content from
>     - old folder structure and copy it to new structure
> Signed-off-by: Hubert Pineault <hpineault at riseup.net>
> -- 
> 2.11.0

Nicolas Sebrecht

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