<DKIM> [PATCH] Write IMAP keyword changes (maildir file renames) back to the server

Igor Almeida igor.contato at gmail.com
Sun May 19 05:27:13 BST 2019

> The looong logic just to access the paired repository. :-)
> Of course, we should not try to go from one side to the other. This
> makes this patch unlikely to get merged.... BUT OTOH I understand this
> could help, offlineimap is getting old and Py2 will be deprecated soon
> enough.

Yeah, I had to do some digging to find this. But the patch was mostly for
testing and feedback. And to remember the discussion we had a few years ago (!)
about eventually getting to this part.

For example, at some point we talked about checking PERMANENTFLAGS for
permission to store keywords and create new ones, but I don't understand the
protocol (and the code) enough to find where this would go.

By the way, what is the plan for py3? I remember there was pull request at
some point.

>> +        try:
>> +            keywordmap = otherrepo.getkeywordmap()
>> +            #now flip the map, because we need to translate flags into IMAP keywords
>> +            reversed_keywordmap = dict(zip(keywordmap.itervalues(), keywordmap.iterkeys()))
>> +
>> +            #TODO check other calls to imaputil.flagsmaildir2imap()
>> +            flagstring = imaputil.flagsmaildir2imap(flags, reversed_keywordmap)
>> +        except NotImplementedError:
>> +            #are we doing IMAP-to-IMAP then? just fail
>> +            raise OfflineImapError(
>> +                'Error getting keywordmap', OfflineImapError.ERROR.MESSAGE)
>> +
> Why? Gmail/IMAP or IMAP/IMAP is valid. Will this error break the current
> sync of the message or log offending lines? I wonder we should
> intentionally ignore this error.

It will break, yes.
If the source side is IMAP too, we enter the except block. At this point we could
set `flagstring` to `imaputil.flagsmaildir2imap(flags))`, which would revert
to the original code.
Also, if both servers are modern enough, there shouldn't be a need for
translating between their keyword representations...

>> diff --git a/offlineimap/imaputil.py b/offlineimap/imaputil.py
>> index 39bd8d4..28067ef 100644
>> --- a/offlineimap/imaputil.py
>> +++ b/offlineimap/imaputil.py
>> @@ -211,13 +211,21 @@ def flagsimap2keywords(flagstring):
>>      serverflagset = set([flag for (flag, c) in flagmap])
>>      return imapflagset - serverflagset
>> -def flagsmaildir2imap(maildirflaglist):
>> +def flagsmaildir2imap(maildirflaglist, letters_to_keywords_map=dict()):
>>      """Convert set of flags ([DR]) into a string '(\\Deleted \\Draft)'."""
>>      retval = []
>>      for imapflag, maildirflag in flagmap:
>>          if maildirflag in maildirflaglist:
>>              retval.append(imapflag)
>> +
>> +    #use the additional dict now
>> +    if len(letters_to_keywords_map) > 0:
>> +        for flag in maildirflaglist:
>> +            if flag in letters_to_keywords_map:
>> +                retval.append(letters_to_keywords_map[flag])
>> +
>> +    #NOTE there might be a problem with spaces in the keywordmap
> Not very cool.

Well, at least RF3501 says that `flag-keyword` (itself an `atom`) cannot have a
space... Anyway, to prevent a problem here, maybe when assembling the keywordmap
in MaildirRepository we could raise an error.

I don't particularly like passing the dict to this imaputil function. Maybe it
would be best to just add to the set after `imaputil.flagsmaildir2imap`
returns to `IMAPFolder.__processmessagesflags_real`.

>>      return '(' + ' '.join(sorted(retval)) + ')'
>>  def uid_sequence(uidlist):
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Nicolas Sebrecht

Igor Almeida

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