What do trashfolder and spamfolder do for Gmail repositories

Arjun arjunkc.misc at gmail.com
Sat Jul 4 16:44:25 BST 2020


I have a nametrans setup as follows

  nametrans = lambda f: '[Gmail]/' + f if f in ['Drafts', 'Starred', 'Important', 'Spam', 'Trash', 'All Mail', 'Sent Mail'] else f

I use notmuch and alot on the maildir. To delete emails, I have afew setup to move emails into the local Trash folder.

Do I need to set 


or do I need to set


Does this only come into play when I set the IMAP flag \Deleted on messages? Is there a way to do this using afew (though I realize this part of the question is not related to this list)?


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