Converting between folder separators

Sander Smeenk ssmeenk at
Fri Mar 3 16:16:45 GMT 2023


I'm tasked with migrating 50k IMAP mailboxes from an old provider to a
new provider. The old provider uses '/' as folder separator, the new
provider uses '.'.

Some mailboxes at the old provider have '.' in the name, eg: "Archive/Dr. Jones"
This seems to create "Jones" as a subfolder of "Dr" on the new provider.

They fail to properly synchronise, in that no messages are copied, not
even to the subfolder "Jones" while there's 47 messages on the old
provider's IMAP.

I tried fiddling with nametrans, putting both in the Local and Remote
| nametrans = lambda foldername: re.sub('\.', '_', foldername)
Even tried hacking around in the OfflineIMAP source a bit, but to no avail.

Am i missing an option here?

Thanks in advance!

| Two wrongs don't make a right. But three lefts do.
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