Could you review this for us, please?

Rebecca Moore rebeccam at
Thu Jun 27 14:55:26 BST 2024


We're deeply committed to assisting individuals with disabilities,
especially those who benefit from accessible web content.

We noticed a website that didn't cater well to those with hearing
impairments, which made us realize that many other business owners might be
unaware of the importance of web accessibility.

Would you consider featuring a guest article on your website about this
topic? It would provide valuable insights for website owners and content
creators striving for user-friendly and accessible web content.

We appreciate your consideration and look forward to your response.

Warm regards,

Martin Block and Rebecca Moore

*The Able Rise Group*

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*P.S. If you're interested in content from us - but on a different topic -
please respond to let us know and we'll figure out a better option. *
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