[PKG-Openstack-devel] [MoM] Packaging manila

Malihe Asemani ml.asemani at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 07:54:12 UTC 2015

I intend to report in this email what i did these days, on MOM project.

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 2:24 PM, Andreas Tille <andreas at an3as.eu> wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 10:09:39AM +0200, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> > >This "someone" can be any member of the team - in other words you can do
> > >it yourself.  In the teams where I'm involved exists a setup-repository
> > >script.  I took the freedom to cut-n-paste from Debian Med and created
> > >
> > >     /git/openstack/setup-repository
> >
> > As per http://openstack.alioth.debian.org/, I use this:
> >
> > "pkgos-alioth-new-git openstack"
> >
> > from within a new git tree. This should be slightly adapted if
> > you're not add (to handle a different username with "-guest" at the
> > end). I'd accept such a contribution to fix the scrip which is in
> > openstack-pkg-tools.
> Ahhh, fine.  Perhaps I should have read this page more thoroughly.  I
> did not intended a competing method.  Malihe, in case you decide to
> recreate the manila repository I'd advise to check out this method which
> is established in the openstack team.
> Okay. I'll recreate it using this script.
I installed the openstack-pkg-tools package on my system but could not find
a command which its name is pkgos-alioth-new-git. Also, I could  not find
the script on source code. finally, i found it out that there is a link to
the script on https://openstack.alioth.debian.org/.

Then, I tried to create a Test rgit reo, using the script. The created git
repository is not observable on http://git.debian.org/openstack.  Is this
the issue that Thamos has mentioned it, before?
   "This should be slightly adapted if you're not add (to handle a
different username with "-     guest" at the end). "

If they are not related to the same issue, would you guide me why may repo
wont be observable if i use the script? Moreover would you please explain a
little about what is the mentioned problem by Thomas?

The script uploads the local git repository on Alioth.  So I needed to
create my local Manila, first.
Therefore, I tried different ways for creating initial commit on Manila
I could choose between 1) last version of Manila on github (tag:
2015.1.0rc1), 2) Manila source code on Vivid, and 3) the last uploaded
version on Manila (which James had mentioned it on the other e-mail).
I downloaded Manila on github, applied the process which Thomas had
mentioned it before, and finally, I needed to add debian directory to it.
I checked the Vivid version and it was older than the version which James
mentioned it. So, I decided to use 'pull-lp-source manila' from
ubuntu-dev-tools and use the last version* .* i had a brief check on Bazar to
find out how can i find ubuntu-Manila is based on which version of
github-Manila. It was based on 2015.1.0rc1 (the last tag).

Now, I dont know as the first commit, I should add a debian dir which is
added using *dh-make*? or i can copy ubuntu-Manila debian directory on my
repository, and do the first commit? if iI copy ubuntu-Manila debian dir,
is it needed to change some thing like control file, changelog, ...? Or I
should just do the first commit, and then we will try to adapt it for
Debain Repositories?

> > >Zigo, what do you think about an openstack-commit mailing list.
> >
> > I'm not against it per-say, but:
> > 1/ We already have #debian-openstack-commits on IRC which tells
> > about new commits.
> OK.
> > 2/ It *must* be configured to *not* publish upstream commits when we
> > do a merge (because there's going to be hundreds of mails
> > considering the number of commits).
> So pkgos-alioth-new-git seems to configure KGB, right?
> > 3/ I'd prefer that we just have Gerrit, and register this type of
> > list to all Gerrit repositories when that it setup.
> Fine for me - but what exactly does Malihe need to do to use Gerrit?
> I have not found the string "gerrit" on the openstack alioth page.
> > > We
> > >could simply copy the hooks from Debian Med.  It also installs KGB which
> > >forwards the commits to the IRC channel.
> >
> > We already have a KGB bot, as per above. Please join the channel.
> At office time I'm excluded from IRC (and yes, I know how to deal with
> this - but I will not this).  I think it will work if Malihe will send
> me some pull request.
> I dont know what do you mean by "sending some pull request to you". would
you explain what should I do, please?

> > >>Or maybe I should request a personal
> > >>repo as first step and push the code there ?
> > >
> > >No, I think a usual repository is the best way to go.
> >
> > Agreed.
> >
> > >If you want to
> > >become a fully qualified team member of the OpenStack team I see no
> > >reason to start in a sandbox. :-)
> >
> > Exactly!
> :-)
> > On 04/12/2015 11:29 PM, Malihe Asemani wrote:
> > > I created the repository using the script, and pushed the source code
> > > of current-stable release of Manila on Master branch.
> >
> > There's absolutely no need to publish the master branch on Alioth.

Thanks for the hint, Thomas. I removed the Manila from git completely.

> Only the packaging branch (ie: debian/kilo) is needed, if you use
> > tag-based packaging.
> Can you please give some hint where Malihe can read about tag based
> packaging?  I'm used to the workflow I posted in my other mail but I
> think it is most helpful if Malihe adapts to what is used in openstack
> team.
> I tried to find some thing about tag-based packaging or guess how may it
works, but I could not find any thing unfortunately.

> > > There is a
> > > newer version of Manila on Ubuntu repository too. which one is the
> > > best? current stable one
> > > <
> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/manila/2014.1~git20140220-0ubuntu13>
> > on
> > > Utopic, or pre-release one
> > > <https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/manila/2015.1~b3-0ubuntu1> on
> > > Vivid? I should mention that I left the commented (hook-related)
> > > lines in /git/openstack/setup-repository script unchanged.
> >
> > You should use the vivid version. But please make sure that you
> > don't just take what's in Ubuntu and build it for , as lots of
> > standards aren't the same. Have a look at how configuration files
> > are handled with Debconf for example.
> I have spotted several issues in the Ubuntu packaging which need to be
> changed even after a quick view.  I think it is ensured that we will not
> simply the Ubuntu package - and we for sure will ask for your final OK.

I'll check debconf related issues. Also, I will check the final version
with you, as Andreas mentioned.

> BTW, what do you think about my last suggestion to turn the d/watch
> files to github and take the latest version from there (which is either
> later than the vivid version if you include (\.0b\d) in the regexp
> or older if you decide for stable releases)?
> I dont know what are " d/watch files". May I know where can I find some
documents about it?

> > > BTW, I read that there are different branches on Debian git repo for
> > > upstream, and Debian releases. Despite all of these, I have uploaded
> > > the Ubuntu source-code of Manila on our Master branch. Is that OK?
> >
> > It's not ok, unfortunately. There should never be any branch called
> > "master" on our Git repository, but a branch named after the
> > OpenStack release. In our case, it'd be debian/kilo (as this is the
> > OpenStack release we're working on right now).
> >
> > So, the way to do it is:
> >
> > git clone git://github.com/openstack/manila.git
> > cd manila
> > git tag 2015.1_b3 2015.1.0b3
> > git reset --hard 2015.1_b3
> > git checkout -b debian/kilo
> > git branch -d master
> > # <add here your debian folder for the packaging>
> > git add debian
> > git commit -a -m "Initial debian folder"
> >
> > Make sure that, when you add your Debian folder, you get something
> > like this in debian/gbp.conf:
> >
> > debian-branch = debian/kilo
> > upstream-tag = %(version)s
> > compression = xz
> >
> > [git-buildpackage]
> > export-dir = ../build-area/
> >
> > Then doing "pkgos-bop" should rebuild the package correctly.
> Thank you Thomas for the explanation. I need to study about

> OK, Malihe, please follow this advise.  I admit I also need to adapt to
> this workflow but I'll try.

I followed it. but I dont know why should I run "git tag 2015.1_b3
2015.1.0b3" command.
Are we re-tagging the last tag on the main project? why? should we do
re-tagging every time that we pull from the main project on github?
Also, what is the main policy behind tag names? The last tag of Manila on
github, is "2015.1.0rc1". So I should re-tag that commit with "2015.1.rc1"
? where can I found some explanation about how Openstack team (or
debian-openstack team) tag their projects?

> > > How do you get the said layout.  Here I would like to refer to the
> > > Debian Med policy[2].  It recommends
> > >
> > >     git import-orig --pristine-tar /path/to/package_version.orig.tar.gz
> > >
> > > which would import the orig.tar.gz (which does *not* contain any
> > > debian/ dir in normal cases) into the repository and automatically
> > > creates the needed branches.  Than you manually create the debian/
> > > dir add the files that you need and commit these in the master branch.
> >
> > We're not using pristine-tar, because of efficiency: maintaining
> > tarballs is a very slow process, as they may be very big, and their
> > number increases with each (beta and RC) release, which isn't nice.
> > Also, there's now way to tell in which kind of version of tar the
> > tarball will be generated, and therefore, we may hit the issues
> > which Joey Hess explained about the non-reliability of pristine-tar
> > (which made him orphan the package). Therefore, I've been using git
> > tag based packaging, as per what I just explained above.
> Thanks for the explanation.
> Thank you Thomas :)
Andreas, I still like to know about prestine-tar. Maybe, it will be needed
for some other projects in Debian. I hope we have enough time for learning
it, too :)

> > > BTW, I have some additional data point about the choice of the
> > > version to package.  I would package the latest version that is
> > > reported by
> > >
> > >     uscan --verbose --report
> >
> > The debian/watch file which I do are using the github tags. For example:
> >
> > version=3
> > opts="uversionmangle=s/\.(b|rc)/~$1/" \
> > https://github.com/openstack/nova/tags .*/(\d[\d\.]+)\.tar\.gz
> >
> > What we should do, is just "git merge -X theirs <LAST-TAG>" in the
> > packaging branch (once the initial repository is created, of
> > course...).
> Malihe, it seems we are now both learning. :-)  Please follow this
> advise and post any problem you might have.  I'll try to help and Thomas
> will fix me if I'm wrong. :-)
> hmm... I don't know what exactly do "uscan --verbose --report " and i
don't know anything about watch files as I mentioned before. So, this part
is not understandable for me :P

Andreas, sometimes I need to ask some questions online (maybe on IRC). Are
you online on #debian-med? where can I find you?

>     Andreas.
> --
> http://fam-tille.de
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you can't start the next chapter if you keep re-reading the last one

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