[PKG-Openstack-devel] [MoM] Packaging manila

Thomas Goirand thomas at goirand.fr
Sat May 2 21:27:14 UTC 2015

On 04/23/2015 09:54 AM, Malihe Asemani wrote:
> I followed it. but I dont know why should I run "git tag 2015.1_b3
> 2015.1.0b3" command.

The upstream tag 2015.1.0b3, in Debian, should be translated as 
2015.1~b3. [They do this way because of many limitation in PyPi.] 
Unfortunately, there's no support for the ~ char in Git, so I replaced 
it with the _ char when tagging.

So, to use a beta release, just do that...

> Are we re-tagging the last tag on the main project? why? should we do
> re-tagging every time that we pull from the main project on github?

Only when you're packaging a beta version. Right now, the final release 
for Kilo has been released (ie: 2015.1.0), so you don't need to retag.

> Also, what is the main policy behind tag names? The last tag of Manila on
> github, is "2015.1.0rc1". So I should re-tag that commit with "2015.1.rc1"
> ? where can I found some explanation about how Openstack team (or
> debian-openstack team) tag their projects?

No. 2015.1.0rc1 should be re-tagged as 2015.1_rc1, and in your 
debian/changelog, use 2015.1~rc1.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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