[PKG-Openstack-devel] [PATCH] Allow using https OR http as authentication protocol.

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at bayour.com
Mon Jul 4 13:48:35 UTC 2016

It would be really nice if we can setup https right at
the beginning.

I'm not entirely sure about the steps, but this patch
should be a beginning. There's many packages (apache is
one of them I think) that can setup SSL/TLS.

 pkgos_func |   66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pkgos_func b/pkgos_func
index ff87ee0..76f7744 100644
--- a/pkgos_func
+++ b/pkgos_func
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ pkgos_read_admin_creds () {
                        if grep -q auth_url ${READ_ADMIN_CRED_CONF_FNAME} ; then
                                pkgos_inifile get ${READ_ADMIN_CRED_CONF_FNAME} ${READ_ADMIN_CRED_SEARCH_SECTION} auth_url
                                if [ -n "${RET}" ] && [ ! "${RET}" = "NOT_FOUND" ] ; then
-                                       NO_PROTO=${RET#http://}
+                                       NO_PROTO=${RET#http*://}
                                        BEFORE_PORT=$(echo ${NO_PROTO} | cut -d":" -f1)
                                        if [ -z "${BEFORE_PORT}" ] ; then
                                                db_set ${READ_ADMIN_CRED_PKG_NAME}/auth-host ${BEFORE_PORT}
@@ -491,15 +491,22 @@ pkgos_write_admin_creds () {

        db_get ${WRITE_CRED_PKG_NAME}/auth-host
+       db_get ${PKG_NAME}/auth_protocol
+       if [ -z "${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}" ]; then
+               PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL=http
+       fi
        if grep -q auth_host ${WRITE_CRED_CONF_FNAME} ; then
-               pkgos_inifile set ${WRITE_CRED_CONF_FNAME} ${WRITE_CRED_SECTION} auth_host ${RET}
+               pkgos_inifile set ${WRITE_CRED_CONF_FNAME} ${WRITE_CRED_SECTION} auth_host ${WRITE_CRED_AUTH_HOST}
+               pkgos_inifile set ${WRITE_CRED_CONF_FNAME} ${WRITE_CRED_SECTION} auth_protocol ${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}
                # This is needed for l3_agent.ini
                if grep -q auth_url ${WRITE_CRED_CONF_FNAME} ; then
                        pkgos_inifile get ${WRITE_CRED_CONF_FNAME} ${WRITE_CRED_SECTION} auth_url
-                       NO_PROTO=${RET#http://}
+                       NO_PROTO=${RET#http*://}
                        AFTER_PORT=$(echo ${NO_PROTO} | cut -d":" -f2)
-                       WRITE_CRED_URL="http://${WRITE_CRED_AUTH_HOST}:${AFTER_PORT}"
                        pkgos_inifile set ${WRITE_CRED_CONF_FNAME} ${WRITE_CRED_SECTION} auth_url ${WRITE_CRED_URL}
                        echo "Couldn't find either auth_host or auth_url :("
@@ -597,7 +604,18 @@ pkgos_init () {

 pkgos_get_id () {
-    SERVICE_ENDPOINT=${SERVICE_ENDPOINT:-} SERVICE_TOKEN=${AUTH_TOKEN} "$@" | awk '/ id / { print $4 }'
+       if [ -z "${SERVICE_ENDPOINT}" ]; then
+               db_get ${WRITE_CRED_PKG_NAME}/auth-host
+               WRITE_CRED_AUTH_HOST=${RET}
+               db_get ${PKG_NAME}/auth_protocol
+               PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL=${RET}
+               if [ -z "${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}" ]; then
+                       PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL=http
+               fi
+       fi
+       SERVICE_TOKEN=${AUTH_TOKEN} "$@" | awk '/ id / { print $4 }'

 # Asks the debconf questions for registering a service and its endpoint in keystone
@@ -665,27 +683,32 @@ pkgos_register_endpoint_postinst () {
                PKG_ENDPOINT_IP=`echo ${RET} | egrep '^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$'`
                db_get ${PKG_NAME}/region-name
+               db_get ${PKG_NAME}/auth_protocol
+               PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL=${RET}
+               if [ -z "${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}" ]; then
+                       PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL=http
+               fi

                if db_get ${PKG_NAME}/keystone-auth-token ; then
                        if [ -n "${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}" ] && [ -n "${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}" ] && [ -n "${REGION_NAME}" ] && [ -n "${AUTH_TOKEN}" ] ; then
-                               echo "Registering service and endpoints for ${SERVICE_NAME} with type ${SERVICE_TYPE} at http://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}"
-                               NUM_LINES=$(openstack --os-token ${AUTH_TOKEN} --os-url=http://${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}:35357/v3/ --os-domain-name default --os-identity-api-version=3 service list --format=csv | q -d , -H 'SELECT ID FROM - WHERE `Type`="'${SERVICE_TYPE}'"' | wc -l)
+                               echo "Registering service and endpoints for ${SERVICE_NAME} with type ${SERVICE_TYPE} at ${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}"
+                               NUM_LINES=$(openstack --os-token ${AUTH_TOKEN} --os-url=${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}:35357/v3/ --os-domain-name default --os-identity-api-version=3 service list --format=csv | q -d , -H 'SELECT ID FROM - WHERE `Type`="'${SERVICE_TYPE}'"' | wc -l)
                                if [ "${NUM_LINES}" = "0" ] ; then
-                                       openstack --os-token ${AUTH_TOKEN} --os-url=http://${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}:35357/v3/ --os-domain-name default --os-identity-api-version=3 service create \
+                                       openstack --os-token ${AUTH_TOKEN} --os-url=${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}:35357/v3/ --os-domain-name default --os-identity-api-version=3 service create \
                                                --name=${SERVICE_NAME} --description="${SERVICE_DESC}" ${SERVICE_TYPE}

-                                       openstack --os-token ${AUTH_TOKEN} --os-url=http://${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}:35357/v3/ --os-domain-name default --os-identity-api-version=3 endpoint create \
+                                       openstack --os-token ${AUTH_TOKEN} --os-url=${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}:35357/v3/ --os-domain-name default --os-identity-api-version=3 endpoint create \
                                                --region "${REGION_NAME}" \
-                                               ${SERVICE_NAME} public http://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}
+                                               ${SERVICE_NAME} public ${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}

-                                       openstack --os-token ${AUTH_TOKEN} --os-url=http://${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}:35357/v3/ --os-domain-name default --os-identity-api-version=3 endpoint create \
+                                       openstack --os-token ${AUTH_TOKEN} --os-url=${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}:35357/v3/ --os-domain-name default --os-identity-api-version=3 endpoint create \
                                                --region "${REGION_NAME}" \
-                                               ${SERVICE_NAME} internal http://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}
+                                               ${SERVICE_NAME} internal ${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}

-                                       openstack --os-token ${AUTH_TOKEN} --os-url=http://${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}:35357/v3/ --os-domain-name default --os-identity-api-version=3 endpoint create \
+                                       openstack --os-token ${AUTH_TOKEN} --os-url=${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}:35357/v3/ --os-domain-name default --os-identity-api-version=3 endpoint create \
                                                --region "${REGION_NAME}" \
-                                               ${SERVICE_NAME} admin http://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}
+                                               ${SERVICE_NAME} admin ${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}
                                        echo "Service already registered: skipping service endpoint creation. Will skip service endpoint creation."
@@ -699,16 +722,21 @@ pkgos_register_endpoint_postinst () {
                        db_get ${PKG_NAME}/keystone-admin-password
+                       db_get ${PKG_NAME}/auth_protocol
+                       PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL=${RET}
+                       if [ -z "${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}" ]; then
+                               PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL=http
+                       fi

                        if [ -n "${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}" ] && [ -n "${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}" ] && [ -n "${REGION_NAME}" ] && [ -n "${KEYSTONE_PROJECT_NAME}" ] && [ -n "${KEYSTONE_ADMIN_NAME}" ]  && [ -n "${KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" ]; then
-                               echo "Registering service and endpoints for ${SERVICE_NAME} with type ${SERVICE_TYPE} at http://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}"
+                               echo "Registering service and endpoints for ${SERVICE_NAME} with type ${SERVICE_TYPE} at ${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}"
                                export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID=default
                                export OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID=default
                                export OS_TENANT_NAME=${KEYSTONE_PROJECT_NAME}
                                export OS_PROJECT_NAME=${KEYSTONE_PROJECT_NAME}
                                export OS_USERNAME=${KEYSTONE_ADMIN_NAME}
                                export OS_PASSWORD=${KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PASSWORD}
-                               export OS_AUTH_URL=http://${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}:35357/v3/
+                               export OS_AUTH_URL=${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT_IP}:35357/v3/
                                export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3
                                export OS_AUTH_VERSION=3
                                export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID=default

@@ -717,9 +745,9 @@ pkgos_register_endpoint_postinst () {
                                NUM_LINES=$(OS_PASSWORD=${KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PASSWORD} openstack service list --format=csv | q -d , -H 'SELECT ID FROM - WHERE `Type`="'${SERVICE_TYPE}'"' | wc -l)
                                if [ "${NUM_LINES}" = "0" ] ; then
                                        openstack service create --name=${SERVICE_NAME} --description="${SERVICE_DESC}" ${SERVICE_TYPE}
-                                       openstack endpoint create --region "${REGION_NAME}" ${SERVICE_NAME} public   http://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}
-                                       openstack endpoint create --region "${REGION_NAME}" ${SERVICE_NAME} internal http://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}
-                                       openstack endpoint create --region "${REGION_NAME}" ${SERVICE_NAME} admin    http://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}
+                                       openstack endpoint create --region "${REGION_NAME}" ${SERVICE_NAME} public   ${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}
+                                       openstack endpoint create --region "${REGION_NAME}" ${SERVICE_NAME} internal ${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}
+                                       openstack endpoint create --region "${REGION_NAME}" ${SERVICE_NAME} admin    ${PKG_NAME_AUTH_PROTOCOL}://${PKG_ENDPOINT_IP}:${SERVICE_PORT}${SERVICE_URL}
                                        echo "Service already registered: skipping service endpoint creation."

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