[Openstack-devel] Debian GNU/Linux OpenStack @ FOSDEM

Loic Dachary loic at dachary.org
Sun Feb 5 06:43:39 UTC 2012


I was attending the OpenStack distribution and developers panel yesterday at FOSDEM


representing the Debian GNU/Linux packaging team


I reported that we are happy about the contribution process that allows us to propose packaging related patches. They have been graciously accepted and the review process works fine. I also explained that part of our effort is to make sure a Debian GNU/Linux user who wants to install openstack for the first time will quickly get something that allows her/him to spawn, at least, a Virtual Machine. At present this takes less than a day using


which gives instructions on how to configure the various OpenStack components based on the most recent Debian GNU/Linux sid packages. This HOWTO is being converted into "useable defaults" provided by the packages, for instance database configuration for keystone moved from the HOWTO to the dbconfig based postinst script. Glance is next etc. The goal is to make the HOWTO disappear completely.

It would be great if someone could simply "apt-get install openstack ... ", create a Virtual Machine with a oneliner and be able to log in to it. Once that works, there is much more incentive to explore the other options OpenStack has to offer.

There has been discussions about how to make OpenStack more stable. The effort organized to maintain a stable branch (security patches etc.) has been reported to be active. Thierry Carrez seemed confident that this would continue once Essex is released. Although Diablo never made it into a stable release in Debian GNU/Linux it looks like Essex is a good candidate for wheezy.

The packagers from OpenSuse, Ubuntu and Fedora were represented. I said that one area of improvement for distributions would be to have more communication.

Altogether it was nice to see people in person and talk about distributions in general. It was supposed to be a developer meeting also but I'm afraid we ran out of time and they did not get a chance to talk much after we did :-)

I'd by happy to answer any questions you may have

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