[Parl-devel] meeting with EC's DG DIGIT on FLOSS - Wednesday 25 June at 10:00 hrs
erik.josefsson at europarl.europa.eu
Tue Jun 24 19:29:14 UTC 2014
Dear Jaap,
Wouter Van Ballegooij, one of our DebianParl Pilots is available and happy to join the meeting tomorrow morning.
I am sorry I cannot come too.
Best regards.
From: Parl-devel [parl-devel-bounces+erik.josefsson=europarl.europa.eu at lists.alioth.debian.org] on behalf of Jacques.Verraes at ec.europa.eu [Jacques.Verraes at ec.europa.eu]
Sent: Tuesday 24 June 2014 13:36
To: DENKINGER Joachim; parl-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
Cc: DENKINGER Joachim; gijs at hillenius.com; dr at jones.dk
Subject: Re: [Parl-devel] meeting with EC's DG DIGIT on FLOSS - Wednesday 25 June at 10:00 hrs
Dear Jochen,
It’s a pity. Someone else could step in maybe.
Best regards,
From: DENKINGER Joachim [mailto:joachim.denkinger at europarl.europa.eu]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 4:57 PM
To: VERRAES Jacques (RTD); parl-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
Cc: DENKINGER Joachim (EP); gijs at hillenius.com; dr at jones.dk
Subject: RE: meeting with EC's DG DIGIT on FLOSS - Wednesday 25 June at 10:00 hrs
Dear Jaap, dear all,
I am really sorry but due to time constraints it is not possible to attend the meeting on Wednesday (it is again a very busy week...).
Sorry and thank you for your understanding,
Kind regards
Joachim Denkinger
Deputy Secretary General
Green/EFA Group - European Parliament
rue Wiertz PHS 2 C 3, B-1047 Brussels / Bruxelles
Tel. 0032-2-28-43095; mobile +32-477 638 656
Strasbourg: 0033-3-88 1-74865, room: To4/69
joachim.denkinger at ep.europa.eu<mailto:joachim.denkinger at ep.europa.eu>
From: Jacques.Verraes at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Jacques.Verraes at ec.europa.eu> [mailto:Jacques.Verraes at ec.europa.eu]
Sent: 20 June 2014 17:09
To: parl-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org<mailto:parl-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Cc: DENKINGER Joachim; gijs at hillenius.com<mailto:gijs at hillenius.com>; dr at jones.dk<mailto:dr at jones.dk>
Subject: RE: meeting with EC's DG DIGIT on FLOSS - Wednesday 25 June at 10:00 hrs
As a complement to my previous message: the meeting of Wednesday 25/6 will take place at the premises of DG Digit at the Rue Belliard 28 (B-28). For those who would want to attend, I propose to meeting at 9:45 at the lobby of B-28.
From: VERRAES Jacques (RTD)
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 4:26 PM
To: 'parl-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org'
Cc: DENKINGER Joachim (EP); Gijs Hillenius (gijs at hillenius.com<mailto:gijs at hillenius.com>); Jonas Smedegaard (dr at jones.dk<mailto:dr at jones.dk>)
Subject: meeting with EC's DG DIGIT on FLOSS - Tuesday 25 June at 10:00 hrs
Further to the document that I wrote on the use of FLOSS and Debian in the European Commission with the help from parl-user at lists.alioth.debian.org<mailto:parl-user at lists.alioth.debian.org> and Erik, Jonas and Gijs in particular, I want to inform you that I have been invited by DG to discuss the document.
<< File: Use of FLOSS by CION and other public instritutions.doc >>
The meeting is for next week, Tuesday 25/6 at 10:00 at the premises of DG DIGIT. DG DIGIT is in the process of revising the OSS Strategy of the Commission, and stated that it is interested in further discussing the points raised in the document we submitted.
DG DIGIT accepts that I bring company with me, to discuss the virtues of introducing further Debian/FLOSS in the EC.
Although the writing of the document helped me to learn more about EC use of FLOSS, and that I liked the collaborative mood for the proof-reading, I really would like to be accompanied by those who are well-positioned to ensure that Commission is talking to a proper representative from the Greens/EFA with regards to the EP Debian pilot project.
I know that Jonas is not able to attend next week, but would it be possible for Joachim and Gijs to attend? Other suggestions welcome.
Best regards,
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European Commission
DG Research & Innovation
COV2 09/025
1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 229-57164
jacques.verraes at ec.europa.eu<mailto:jacques.verraes at ec.europa.eu>
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