[Parl-user] lunch with Jonas - next week Wednesday 28 May - Place de Londres 13, 1050 BXL at 13:00 hrs

DENKINGER Joachim joachim.denkinger at europarl.europa.eu
Mon May 26 10:27:17 UTC 2014

Dear all,
I'll try to attend the lunch on Wednesday, but I am unfortunately not available on Thursday.

Kind regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Parl-user [mailto:parl-user-bounces+joachim.denkinger=ep.europa.eu at lists.alioth.debian.org] On Behalf Of Jacques.Verraes at ec.europa.eu
Sent: 26 May 2014 10:57
To: dr at jones.dk; parl-user at lists.alioth.debian.org
Subject: Re: [Parl-user] lunch with Jonas - next week Wednesday 28 May - Place de Londres 13, 1050 BXL at 13:00 hrs

Dear Jonas,

Good to read that this initiative suits you. I am looking forward to find an approach to briefing the CION Helpdesk about opportunities for Debian at EC.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Parl-user [mailto:parl-user-bounces+jacques.verraes=ec.europa.eu at lists.alioth.debian.org] On Behalf Of Jonas Smedegaard
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2014 12:10 PM
To: parl-user at lists.alioth.debian.org
Subject: Re: [Parl-user] lunch with Jonas - next week Wednesday 28 May - Place de Londres 13, 1050 BXL at 13:00 hrs

Quoting Jacques.Verraes at ec.europa.eu (2014-05-23 11:39:39)
> I suggest that those who come to the lunch pledge for the pleasure of 
> having Jonas at the table join me next week Wednesday 28 May at 13:00 
> Hrs at the Bar-Restaurant Place de Londres, at 13 Place de Londres at 
> 1050 Brussels (perpendicular to Rue du TrĂ´ne). See 
> http://placedelondres.com/.  I have now pro-actively booked for 7 
> persons.
> If you are interested in coming, please mail me off list at 
> jacques.verraes at ec.europa.eu and feel free to forward this invitation 
> and plegde to your friends.

Thanks for the great initiative, Jaap!

...and thanks for the interest (see also followups to [EPFSUG post]).

I have now booked 1st half of the tickets.

Public data for my journey will be added (in the, sometimes slow, pace 
as I note them down) at http://data.jones.dk/2014/bruxelles-05-2/

NB! Please note that only a brief overview is displayed at above page - 
the gory details, including economy, is at the link at the bottom.

See you on Wednesday!

 - Jonas

[EPFSUG post]: http://epfsug.eu/wws/arc/epfsug/2014-05/msg00023.html

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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