[parted-devel] Re: parted port to FreeBSD

Viktor Vasilev viktor.vasilev at stud.tu-darmstadt.de
Wed Apr 26 14:51:14 UTC 2006

Quoting Robert Millan <rmh at aybabtu.com>:

> Hi!
> Just a pair of notes.
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 02:13:11AM +0200, Viktor Vasilev wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Robert Millan and I are working on a port of GNU parted to FreeBSD and
> > Debian GNU/kFreeBSD. A patch against trunk is attached, also available
> > from
> That's not fair!  Viktor did the actual porting, I just sent him some
> corrections for autoconf stuff and GNU/kFreeBSD support.  The merit is all
> his ;)

It's !!fair :) About the only reward for open source software developers
is the credits they get for doing something useful. So thanks for doing it :)

> > - Some of the code in freebsd.c comes from various FreeBSD utils. Maybe it
> > should be rewritten so it can be GPL'ed?
> Since BSD code is GPL-compatible (unless it has the advertising clausse,
> which I believe is not the case), there's no need to rewrite in order to
> GPL it. In that case just add a GPL license header before the BSD one
> (and keep both).
> However, the Parted maintainers might want copyright assignments, depending
> on their policies (which I ignore).

Well, I prefer code over politics, so I'll just go ahead and rewrite those
snippets. If there are irreplaceable pieces, then I'll contact the FreeBSD
project and ask for an advice.


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