[parted-devel] Announcing GNU parted 1.8.1

David Cantrell dcantrell at redhat.com
Mon Dec 4 04:31:17 CET 2006

Announcing GNU parted-1.8.1.  The primary goal of this release is to 
address bugs and other errors in the 1.8.0 release.  Please report any 
problems you find with this release to:

	parted-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org

Summary of changes:
* Rework backtrace support.
* Code cleanups.
* Added --enable-selinux configure option to enable linking libparted 
with libselinux and libsepol.
* Disable ext2fs resize for now, tell user to use resize2fs.

* Fix loop in print_all().
* Introduce the -list command-line switch.
* Make mktable aliased to mklabel.
* Warn before mklabel and mkfs.
* Code cleanups in _partition_warn_busy(), _disk_warn_busy(), 
_partition_warn_loss(), and _disk_warn_loss().
* Avoid warning about user permissions when using --version.
* Fix 'print' command help.
* Proper print when there are no extended partitions, but partition names.

* Generate SHA-1 digest of the archive files and upload those along with 
the actual archive files.
* Update translation files.
* Remove automatically generated files from version control.

Where to download:
parted-1.8.1 is available in tar+bz2 and tar+gz formats on ftp.gnu.org:


The SHA-1 digests of the archives are available in the FTP directory.

David Cantrell
Red Hat / Westford, MA

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