[parted-devel] Utility functions

leslie.polzer at gmx.net leslie.polzer at gmx.net
Thu Nov 23 19:01:45 CET 2006


  most of you are by now already aware that Parted 2.0 should ship with
a new header/impl pair util.h/util.c.  Those will consist of stuff from
parted.c that is either redundant there or obviously useful to other
programs using libparted.

  I'd like to get this started very soon, and there's a central problem
to it:

  How shall requests to the users be handled.  Real code example:

  do_mkfs and do_mkpartfs share one hell of a lot of code, and that's
just because they mainly consist of "ask user"/"check and do" pairs.

  I guess we will need a separate API that libparted-using programs will
need to register their request handlers with.  Am I right or does
anyone of you have a smarter idea?


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