[parted-devel] labeling a drive that has data

Andrew Park apark at cdf.toronto.edu
Wed Nov 29 22:04:35 CET 2006

Hi all,

I hope I am posting this on the correct mailing list.  I really could
not find one for parted users...

In any case, I have a 1.1 TB RAID system which recently expanded to 2TB
by adding more drives to it.  The RAID tool is reporting that the
migration is completed, but the trouble is that OS is not seeing it.

So while reading up on what I could do about it, I saw that many people
simply create new "partitions" at the end.  Thinking that I could do
something similar I tried

         parted /dev/sda print

but it returned

         Error: Unable to open /dev/sda - unrecognised disk label.
         Information: Don't forget to update /etc/fstab, if necessary.

Now two questions ...

1. Is it safe to label the disk at this point?
2. Is there any other way to have the OS recognize the expanded space?

Please help,

Andrew Park

  GnuPG Signature              www.cdf.utoronto.ca/~apark/public_key.txt

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