[parted-devel] t7000-scripting.sh test fails

Petr Uzel petr.uzel at suse.cz
Mon Jun 1 15:46:07 UTC 2009


t7000-scripting.sh test from current master fails:

~> ./t7000-scripting.sh
*   ok 1: Create the test file
*   ok 2: Test the scripting mode of mkpart
*   ok 3: Compare the real error and the expected one
*   ok 4: Create the test file
*   ok 5: Test the interactive mode of mkpart
*   ok 6: normalize the actual output
* FAIL 7: Compare the real error and the expected one
        compare out errI
*   ok 8: Create the test file
*   ok 9: Test the scripting mode of mkpartfs
*   ok 10: Compare the real error and the expected one
*   ok 11: Create the test file
*   ok 12: Test the interactive mode of mkpartfs
*   ok 13: normalize the actual output
* FAIL 14: Compare the real error and the expected one
        compare out errI
* failed 2 among 14 test(s)

Following 'patch' fixes it for me:

--- a/tests/t7000-scripting.sh
+++ b/tests/t7000-scripting.sh
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ EOF

 { emit_superuser_warning
   sed s/Error/Warning/ errS
-  printf 'Is this still acceptable to you?\nYes/No?'; } >> errI || fail=1
+  printf 'Is this still acceptable to you?\nYes/No? n\n'; } >> errI || fail=1

  for mkpart in mkpart mkpartfs; do

Has anybody else encountered this?

The same happens with 'next' branch.


Best regards / s pozdravem

Petr Uzel, Packages maintainer
SUSE LINUX, s.r.o.                          e-mail: puzel at suse.cz
Lihovarská 1060/12                          tel: +420 284 028 964
190 00 Prague 9                             fax: +420 284 028 951
Czech Republic                              http://www.suse.cz

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