[parted-devel] Parted Stuff that needs fixing before 1.8.9

Gilles Espinasse g.esp at free.fr
Thu Jun 4 05:36:23 UTC 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joel Granados" <jgranado at redhat.com>
To: "Gilles Espinasse" <g.esp at free.fr>; "Parted Devel"
<parted-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: [parted-devel] Parted Stuff that needs fixing before 1.8.9

> Seems like I misunderstood your email.  I thought you wanted to post a
> patch.  I will continue to address 6. and 7. while using the info you
> posted.
I just learn yesterday how to send my first patch directly from git, a bit
later after you had send the patches.

What I just don't know now is on wich branche the patches has been commited.
In http://git.debian.org/?p=parted/parted.git
I see 3 branches (master, next, stable-1.8.x) where  since 8 days only
master has been updated.
I would test if parted configured with --without-fs work better on git tree
than 1.8.8.
When configured with --without-fs,
parted $dev mkpart primary ext2 was aborting with unknow fs type.
Not a big problem with ext2 as I think this is the default partition type,
so ext2 could be omitted.
But that was unusable with other partition type (like hfs).


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