[parted-devel] [PATCH] doc: add HACKING

Petr Uzel petr.uzel at suse.cz
Fri Apr 23 08:35:13 UTC 2010

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 05:43:01PM +0200, Jim Meyering wrote:
> FYI, I've just pushed this and expect to have to adjust it.
> Not everything in it is true yet (e.g., leading TABs),
> but that should change soon.  Of course, it'll take some
> work to make these style and indentation preferences sensible.
> +Minor syntactic preferences
> +===========================
> +[I hesitate to write this one down, because it appears to be an
> + acquired taste, at least for native-English speakers.  It seems odd
> + (if not truly backwards) to nearly anyone who doesn't have a strong
> + mathematics background and perhaps a streak of something odd in their
> + character ;-) ]
> +In writing arithmetic comparisons, use "<" and "<=" rather than
> +">" and ">=".  For some justification, read this:
> +  http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/3903/focus=4126

In the referenced email (and whole thread), I don't see any reason why
(1 < x) should be preferred over (x > 1), except the statement
"textual order should reflect actual order" - OK, but why?

And yes, (1 < x) really looks unnatural to me.



Petr Uzel, openSUSE Boosters Team
IRC: ptr_uzl @ freenode
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