[parted-devel] [PATCH 0/3] Test and canonicalize /dev/md/ paths

Phil Susi psusi at ubuntu.com
Tue May 8 14:06:06 BST 2018

On 5/8/2018 8:23 AM, Sebastian Parschauer wrote:
> TODOs for v2:
> * check if this makes the following submitted patch superfluous:
>   "[PATCH] parted: Escape printed device path in machine mode"

This is because when the md paths are canonicalized, a funky named md
with a colon in its name just goes back to /dev/md0 anyhow?  IIRC,
device mapper names are canonicalized to /dev/mapper/user_name rather
than /dev/dm-0, so those could still have a colon in them maybe.

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