[parted-devel] [PATCH 1/2] Fix make check

Sebastian Parschauer sparschauer at suse.de
Tue May 8 14:11:52 BST 2018

On 04.05.2018 16:38, Phillip Susi wrote:
> Make check failed due to some warnings treated as errors.  One was
> caused by a warning that a function could have the noreturn attribute.
> It seems that this had previously been disabled but gcc has changed
> the flag from -Wmissing-noreturn to -Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn.  The
> recently added volser.c test also caused a few warnings when not
> compiled on s390x because most of the functions were no used, so
> ---
>  configure.ac             | 2 +-
>  libparted/tests/volser.c | 5 ++++-
>  2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

The patch description and the last sentence are incomplete. In the last
sentence the "no used" should be "not used". Please amend this. TIA

Apart from that the patch looks good to me.

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