Bug#557771: *** stack smashing detected ***: /usr/bin/perl terminated

Pino Toscano pino at kde.org
Sun Dec 27 23:20:02 UTC 2009


Alle domenica 27 dicembre 2009, Thomas Schwinge ha scritto:
> On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 03:26:05PM +0200, Niko Tyni wrote:
> > Looks rather like a problem with the Storable module, but it's hard to
> > say more without a test case.
> That's what I thought, too, but I now bisected this down to perlmagick
> being installed vs. not being installed.  Involving Pino Toscano who
> recently did some imagemagick patching
> (cf. <http://bugs.debian.org/551017>) -- Pino, please note that I'm not
> saying that you're responsible for this perlmagick breakage which we're
> discussing in <http://bugs.debian.org/557771>, but perhaps you have an
> idea / know how to run some testing / etc.

The only change needed was patching GetExecutionPath() (defined in 
magick/utility.c); note that the released version is slightly different from 
the one I sent.
Knowing whether that function is the actual issue should be matter of taking 
the current implementation in the "#if defined(__GNU__) ... #endif" block out 
of there, put only a "return (MagickFalse);" in its place, recompile and test.
If it still doesn't work with the above change, another option would be adding 
1 to the calculation of "extent" (always in the __GNU__ block said above).
A further option would be asking upstream to provide more unit test for that 
function, in case the current unit tests (which all pass on Hurd) do not 
covert it yet/fully.

Pino Toscano
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