Bug#533707: Debian changes to CPANPLUS

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Wed Jul 8 15:33:25 UTC 2009

Hi Jos,

I'm a maintainer of the Perl package in Debian.

We currently ship CPANPLUS 0.84 as bundled with Perl 5.10.0, and I'm
about to apply the attached Debian-specific patches due to
 http://bugs.debian.org/533707 (cc'd as 533707 at bugs.debian.org)

This mail is mainly FYI, but please let me know if you think this should
be handled in a different way.

The first patch is just a preconfigured CPANPLUS::Config::System module
that tells CPANPLUS to install all modules, including core ones, in the
site directories, even if their Makefile.PL or Build.PL says otherwise,
so that they will not clobber the ones tracked by our package manager.
Our @INC ordering will make sure that the local version in the site
directory will be the first on the search path.

(We've done this for ages with CPAN.pm and Makefile.PL, and I'm presently
 adding Build.PL support to that as well.)

An alternative solution would be to modify the empty defaults in
CPANPLUS::Config, but this one seems cleaner to me.

The other patch is about where the saved CPANPLUS::Config::System
should go. Our policy says that configuration files need to be in /etc,
and we have /etc/perl first on @INC for things like this.

The patch is something of a hack, I'm not thrilled about messing inside
the CPANPLUS::Internals namespace. Would you be willing to implement a
cleaner hook for this?

Many thanks for all your work on CPANPLUS and other Perl stuff,
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org
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