Bug#401132: Devel::Peek enhancement

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Wed Jan 27 10:31:44 UTC 2010

On Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 06:31:54PM -0800, Robert Stone wrote:
> Package: perl
> Version: 5.8.8-6.1
> 	I recently discovered that Devel::Peek's SvREFCNT, SvREFCNT_inc
> and SvREFCNT_dec functions are not as flexible as the XS functions that
> they wrap.  In XS where you wish to get the reference count of an hash
> your HV * pointer will cast to an SV * when passed as an argument to
> SvREFCNT().  In Perl using Devel::Peek:SvREFCNT(%m) does not return the
> reference count of %m, but rather treats %m as a list of arguments to
> the function causing a runtime error.  I believe the intent of the code was
> to return the reference count of the parameter passed and the difference
> between Perl Prototypes and C casting was overlooked.

Sorry for the lack of action on this.

What's wrong with Devel::Peek:SvREFCNT(\%m) ?
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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