Bug#568487: Perl modules installed in place not in %INC during upgrade from etch

ben.marsh at editure.com ben.marsh at editure.com
Wed Jun 2 14:14:41 UTC 2010

Sorry.  I did not see your ping.

I think the problem was with a package built with dh_make_perl.  From memory and as best 
as I can tell it created the directory (/usr/lib/perl/5.10.0/) before it was made into a 
link to /usr/lib/perl/5.10/.

The problem was fixed at our end by rebuilding the packages made with dh_make_perl while 
making sure to have unnecessary directories not included.  This was done by creating 
rules.MakeMaker.noxs that rm'd the nuisance empty directory during package make all and 
make install.

I am sorry that this turned out to be a problem at our end.  I hope I did not waste too 
much of your time.

Let me know if you would like more info


Ben Marsh
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