Bug#618875: perl-modules: "Byte order is not compatible at ../../lib/Storable.pm (...)"

Christoph Biedl debian.axhn at manchmal.in-ulm.de
Fri Apr 29 17:19:13 UTC 2011

Dominic Hargreaves wrote...

> Can you come up with a simple recipe to reproduce this using publically
> available repositories?

Today, I ran into the same error while trying to git svn rebase the
virtualbox repository using git and Perl from Debian Squeeze aka
stable, architecture is i386:

$ cat .git/config
        repositoryformatversion = 0
        filemode = true
        bare = false
        logallrefupdates = true
[svn-remote "svn"]
        url = http://www.virtualbox.org/svn/vbox/trunk
        fetch = :refs/remotes/git-svn
$ git svn rebase
r32849 = d5955dbaf733f61f95792561159139ed835f46b4 (refs/remotes/git-svn)
    M   src/VBox/Main/ApplianceImplExport.cpp
r32850 = 9a637783593012121fecc343bf302fb0cc593e1a (refs/remotes/git-svn)
    M   src/VBox/Main/include/ConsoleImpl.h
    M   src/VBox/Main/GuestImpl.cpp
    M   src/VBox/Main/DisplayImpl.cpp
    M   src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl2.cpp
    M   src/VBox/Main/MouseImpl.cpp
    M   src/VBox/Main/VMMDevInterface.cpp
    M   src/VBox/Main/ConsoleImpl.cpp
    M   src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxBFE/ConsoleImpl.h
    M   src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxBFE/SDLConsole.h
    M   src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxBFE/VMMDevInterface.cpp
Byte order is not compatible at ../../lib/Storable.pm (autosplit into ../../lib/auto/Storable/_retrieve.al) line 380, at /usr/share/perl/5.10.1/Memoize/Storable.pm line 21

Could not unmemoize function `lookup_svn_merge', because it was not memoized to begin with at /usr/lib/git-core/git-svn line 3178
END failed--call queue aborted at /usr/lib/git-core/git-svn line 39.

Workaround: Use git- (still checking out but it
got around the commit above).

The pre-state of my local tree is still in my backups, drop me a line
within the next week if you're interested, compressed size is 
178Mbyte *yuck*

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