Bug#642819: libencode-imaputf7-perl: Unknown encoding 'IMAP-UTF-7'

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Sun Sep 25 13:47:11 UTC 2011

On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 03:00:18PM +0300, Damyan Ivanov wrote:
> severity 642819 minor
> retitle 642819 libencode-imaputf7-perl: synopsis misses 'use Encode::IMAPUTF7;'
> thanks
> -=| alexander barakin (aka sash-kan), 25.09.2011 13:31:44 +0300 |=-
> > Package: libencode-imaputf7-perl
> > Version: 1.05-1
> > Severity: important
> > 
> > $ perl -e "use Encode qw/encode decode/; print decode('IMAP-UTF-7',
> > 'R&AOk-pertoire');"
> > Unknown encoding 'IMAP-UTF-7' at -e line 1
> This is a documentation problem. Try adding 'use Encode::IMAPUTF7;'

Alternatively, as hinted by the INSTALL file, one can use 'enc2xs -C'
to include the module in /usr/lib/perl/5.12/Encode/ConfigLocal.pm,
making just 'use Encode' work.

Not sure if that should be done by the libencode-imaputf7-perl postinst
script. At the very least, /usr/lib/ looks to me like a wrong place for
the generated file in that case  - but that's in the domain of the 'perl'
package, which provides enc2xs.

Possibly this needs some more plumbing in the 'perl' package first.
However, this is the first request I'm aware of for automatically updating
the list of encodings supported by Encode at package installation time,
so it looks like the demand isn't too high.

Cc'ing perl at packages.d.o. Thoughts are welcome.
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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