Bug#660195: perl: Makefile.PL arguments not passed to recursive invocations

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Fri Feb 17 10:19:28 UTC 2012

Package: perl
Version: 5.14.2-7
Forwarded: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=28632

As noted in #657853, Makefile.PL command line arguments like OPTIMIZE and
LD aren't passed down to recursive invocations when there are Makefile.PL
files in subdirectories. This is hindering the adoption of hardening
build flags.

The libimager-perl package is an example.

The bug is probably somewhere around eval_in_x(), which has
        package main;
        do './Makefile.PL';

Given the silence in the upstream bug, I think we should try and
fix this for Debian and pass the patch upstream.
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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