Bug#731570: debian/t/copyright.t failing

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Fri Dec 6 20:38:48 UTC 2013

Package: perl
Version: 5.18.1-5
Severity: minor

I've just uploaded perl/5.18.1-5, including this change by Dominic:
  * Various tidying of Copyright file in line with Lintian's suggestions

which essentially removes all formatted text from the non-standard
License paragraphs (but moves some of them into Comment paragraphs.)

Presumably the lintian suggestions this is fixing are like
  I: perl source: unused-license-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright regcomp (paragraph at line 2325)

Unfortunately the fix makes 'cme check dpkg-copyright' barf, caught
by the maintainer tests in debian/t/copyright.t.

It seems there are edge cases around conjunctions and
disjunctions of license short names, as in for instance
 License: REGCOMP, and GPL-1+ or Artistic
which triggers
 Warning: skipping value REGCOMP, and GPL-1+ or Artistic because of the following errors:
  license GPL-1+ is not declared in main License section. Expected [...]
and later
 Configuration item 'Files:"
 regexec.c" License short_name' has a wrong value:
     Undefined mandatory value.

This needs a bit more investigation than I can do right now, but I
didn't want it to block the bugfixes in 5.18.1-5.  Filing this as
a reminder: debian/t/copyright.t is currently failing.

We can look at this later and decide if either lintian or
libconfig-model-dpkg-perl is buggy, or if we must come up with something
better in our copyright file.
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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