[owner at packages.qa.debian.org: All your subscriptions from the PTS have been cancelled]

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Sun Nov 24 17:45:54 UTC 2013

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 11:54:34PM +0000, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 09:40:23PM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> > FYI you have to resubscribe the packages that you were following on the
> > PTS. The alioth outage triggered the automatic bounce unsubscription.
> Thanks, I've resubscribed. If anyone has a moment to dig through the
> BTS for new traffic on the perl package since the outage and resend
> to the list, that'd be great.

Thanks to both of you! The only messages I got via the primary maintainer
address during the downtime were two bts-link-upstream emails. I've
bounced those to the list now.

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