Bug#726600: otrs2: Internal server error when replying to email ticket

John Seymour John.Seymour at nal.gov.au
Thu Oct 31 21:17:03 UTC 2013


I have worked out how to reliably trigger the bug.

If you enter a Unicode character in the the "system standard signature"  
and reply to a ticket that uses that signature the bug will be triggered.


On 30/10/2013 06:56, Niko Tyni wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 08:05:01PM +0100, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
>> otrs2 seems to have an anoying (not easy to reproduce bug), which was
>> reported against otrs2 (and which seems to appear after the perl
>> 5.14.2 -> 5.18.1 update):
>>   http://bugs.debian.org/724972
>>   http://bugs.debian.org/726600
>> Does this sound somewhere familiar to you, or does this ring a bell?
> Yeah, Patrik mailed me about it too, I just didn't have the time earlier.
> John Seymour's comment in
>   http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=726600#75
> seems helpful:
> [Tue Oct 22 11:56:15 2013] -e: Strings with code points over 0xFF may not be mapped into in-memory file handles
> [Tue Oct 22 11:56:15.193665 2013] [:error] [pid 8510] [Tue Oct 22 11:56:15 2013] -e: open body: Invalid argument at /usr/share/perl5/MIME/Entity.pm line 1878.\n
> A similar failure can be triggered with something like this:
>   perl -CO -Mstrict -we 'my $a = "\x{2660}"; open(my $h, ">>", \$a) or die "open failed: $!"; print $h "test\n"; close $h; print $a'
> which dies with 5.18 but not with 5.14.
> This is by design: the relevant perl5180delta entry is
>    PerlIO::scalar has been upgraded to 0.16.
>    The buffer scalar supplied may now only contain code pounts 0xFF or
>    lower. [perl #109828]
> and the change is
>   http://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git/commit/02c3c86bb8fe791df9608437f0844f9a8017e3b6
> which was thoroughly discussed in the aforementioned ticket
>   https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=109828
> So the reproducing recipe presumably involves non-ASCII, non-latin1
> characters in the ticket. Hope that helps a bit.
> Not sure if this is a bug in MIME-Tools. My half hearted attempts to
> trigger it by parsing a crafted UTF-8 email message weren't successful
> (meaning MIME-Tools was behaving more or less correctly.)
> So it needs something more complex to show up.  I see OTRS,
> Kernel/System/Encode.pm in particular, is using the Encode internal
> functions _utf8_on() and _utf8_off() quite a bit. The root
> problem might be somewhere there.
> I can look at it more (time permitting) if somebody finds a way to
> reproduce it.

*John Seymour*
Research Physicist and NAL IT Manager

National Acoustic Laboratories <http://www.nal.gov.au/>
/A Division of Australian Hearing/

Australian Hearing Hub
16 University Avenue
Macquarie University NSW 2109 Australia
P +61 2 9412 6839
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