Bug#735134: perl: rename(1) is ancient

Joachim Breitner nomeata at debian.org
Sun Feb 2 19:41:09 UTC 2014


Am Sonntag, den 02.02.2014, 19:31 +0100 schrieb gregor herrmann:
> On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 18:05:45 +0000, Jonathan Dowland wrote:
> > > A
> > > maintained version is available as a separate package, libfile-rename-perl.
> > This is a frustrating package name for an end user binary. Reminds
> > me of the difficulty I have remembering which package the LWP-tools
> > "GET" and "HEAD" live in. What's wrong with "rename"?
> It's the package for the CPAN File::Rename distribution, and
> therefore named accordingly to
> https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/perl-policy/ch-module_packages.html#s-package_names
> in Debian.
> But yes, adding a "Provides: rename" wold probably make sense.
> (Cf. also
> http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/policy.html#package_naming_policy )

sounds more like it should be named "rename" and have a provides
"libfile-rename-perl" – assuming there will be more users looking for
the package of rename than of File::Rename (which I do assume, being a
regular user of the one but not of the other).


Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
  nomeata at debian.org | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
  JID: nomeata at joachim-breitner.de | http://people.debian.org/~nomeata
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