Bug#735134: perl: rename(1) is ancient

Jonathan Dowland jmtd at debian.org
Sun Feb 2 18:05:45 UTC 2014


I regularly use rename(1) and miss it on non-Debian systems. The fact perl provides it currently doesn't matter to me (or I'd argue any end user)

> On 2 Feb 2014, at 15:12, Dominic Hargreaves <dom at earth.li> wrote:
> A
> maintained version is available as a separate package, libfile-rename-perl.

This is a frustrating package name for an end user binary. Reminds me of the difficulty I have remembering which package the LWP-tools "GET" and "HEAD" live in. What's wrong with "rename"?

> 2) Make libfile-rename-perl be Standard, to match perl, without adding
>   any dependencies.

I like this one, which also sidesteps the difficulty of the new package name.

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