Bug#752185: Acknowledgement (perldoc displays characters in UTF-8 even in non UTF-8 environments)

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Fri Apr 10 09:18:21 UTC 2015

On Sat, Jun 21, 2014 at 04:35:37PM +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:
> Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> > - Better example: LWP
> > - Wheezy is not affected
> I can confirm the bug as well as the fact that Wheezy is not affected.
> Steps I took to reproduce:
> * Install aterm (guaranteed to have no UTF-8 support ;-)
> * "dpkg-reconfigure -plow locales" and add some ISO 8859-15 locales.
> * Call "env LANG=en_GB.iso885915 LC_ALL=en_GB.iso885915 aterm"
> * Call "man LWP" and "perldoc LWP" in the aterm.
> There is indeed the reported difference.

I believe this is fixed in Perl 5.20 as a side effect of perldoc switching
to the Pod::Perldoc::ToTerm backend by default. Can you confirm?

(I expect the reported behaviour still happens with the '-o man'
 perldoc option, not sure if we need to leave this bug open because of that.)
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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