perl 5.20.2-6 build failure on i386 and amd64

Niko Tyni ntyni at
Fri May 15 07:52:41 UTC 2015

Hi buildd admins,

perl_5.20.2-6 in unstable surprisingly failed on both amd64 (binet)
and i386 (x86-grnet-01) with

  Build killed with signal TERM after 150 minutes of inactivity

when running the test suite in lib/Benchmark.t.

This is really strange; I've never seen this failure mode before and the
packaging changes in -6 shouldn't really have any effect on the build
at this point. I've built the package locally for both amd64 and i386
with no problems.

So I'm suspecting some hickup on the buildds. Are they working otherwise
OK? Could you please give perl back to see if it happens again?

Thanks for your work,
Niko Tyni   ntyni at

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