auto-perl transition

Niko Tyni ntyni at
Wed May 27 11:37:26 UTC 2015

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 11:03:46AM +0100, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:

> However, it's not quite correct at the moment; it has picked up the
> new perl-modules-5.22 package as being relevant, which it isn't
> (packages other than perl and libperl5.22 shouldn't depend on it).
> The correct patterns for tracking this transition are:
> Affected: .depends ~ /libperl5\.22|perlapi\-5\.22|libperl5\.20|perlapi\-5\.20/
> Good: .depends ~ /libperl5\.22|perlapi\-5\.22/
> Bad: .depends ~ /libperl5\.20|perlapi\-5\.20/

To clarify: perl-modules-5.22 in experimental Provides: perl-modules,
so unversioned dependencies on perl-modules won't be broken.

There's a dozen versioned runtime dependencies and 35 versioned build
dependencies on perl-modules in sid. Those need to be fixed before the
transition, and we'll file bugs for them. I don't think they need to be
included in the tracker, though (and I'm not sure if the ben syntax even
allows that.)
Niko Tyni   ntyni at

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