Bug#811104: libtime-format-perl: FTBFS with non-English LC_ALL: t/doc.t failure
Niko Tyni
ntyni at debian.org
Fri Jan 15 18:57:54 UTC 2016
clone 811104 -1
retitle -1 perl: I18N::Langinfo UTF-8 problems
reassign -1 perl 5.22.1-4
found -1 5.20.2-3
On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 07:31:57PM +0200, Niko Tyni wrote:
> Package: libtime-format-perl
> Version: 1.12-2
> User: debian-perl at lists.debian.org
> Usertags: perl-5.22-transition
> User: reproducible-builds at lists.debian.org
> Usertags: ftbfs
> # Failed test 'POSIX 1'
> # at t/doc.t line 66.
> # got: 'POSIXish: mardi, d�cembre 12, 1995'
> # expected: 'POSIXish: mardi, décembre 12, 1995'
> # Looks like you failed 1 test of 26.
> The difference is that 'got' has an é in latin1 encoding
> while 'expected' has it in utf8.
> The timing when this started failing seems to coincide with Perl 5.22
> entering sid, so tentatively usertagging so. This smells a bit like a perl
> regression to me, but it might also be an intentional bugfix there.
It's a bugfix in POSIX::strftime() that highlights a bug in I18N::Langinfo.
Previously both would return UTF-8 strings without the internal
UTF-8 flag set, but POSIX::strftime() was fixed with
The one-liner
% LC_ALL=fr_FR.UTF-8 perl -MDevel::Peek -MPOSIX -e "Dump POSIX::strftime('%A, %B %d, %Y', 0,0,0,12,11,95,2)"
gives on jessie an incorrect answer
SV = PV(0x144ea90) at 0x144de78
PV = 0x14b9650 "mardi, d\303\251cembre 12, 1995"\0
CUR = 25
LEN = 26
but on sid a more correct
SV = PV(0x1f6db20) at 0x1f6cf30
PV = 0x1f88540 "mardi, d\303\251cembre 12, 1995"\0 [UTF8 "mardi, d\x{e9}cembre 12, 1995"]
CUR = 25
LEN = 26
However, both get this wrong:
% LC_ALL=fr_FR.UTF-8 perl -MDevel::Peek -MI18N::Langinfo=langinfo,MON_12 -e 'Dump langinfo(MON_12())'
SV = PV(0x1a91b20) at 0x1a90f30
PV = 0x1aac960 "d\303\251cembre"\0
CUR = 9
LEN = 11
I'm cloning a bug against the perl package. Not sure how much
libtime-format-perl should adapt. Perhaps it's best to set
LC_ALL=C for now.
Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
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