Bug#808430: perl-modules-5.22: after the upgrade to perl 5.22, the Module::Build module is no longer present

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Mon Jan 18 18:20:29 UTC 2016

Control: clone -1 -2
Control: reassign -2 dh-make-perl 0.89-1
Control: retitle -2 dh-make-perl: Add Depends/Receommends on libmodule-build-perl
Control: severity -2 normal

Background for the cloned bug:
libmodule-build-perl gets removed on the upgrade to perl 5.22 when
it's only installed as per Recommends in perl-modules 5.20, which
gets removed/replaced by perl-modules-5.22.

On Sun, 20 Dec 2015 19:13:39 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

> On 2015-12-20 19:13:05 +0200, Niko Tyni wrote:
> > As you noted later, NEWS.Debian announcements about developer things
> > like this don't seem appropriate, as they are (supposed to) be shown to
> > all Debian users, and the vast majority won't care. I think CGI.pm has
> > a better claim to such an announcement, but not good enough to justify
> > it either IMO.
> This is not only for developers. This module can also be useful for
> the end user to build other Perl modules that are not provided by
> Debian (this was precisely my case).

Thinking about this a bit today, I had the idea that having
dh-make-perl Depends/Recommends on Module::Build might help a bit for
people building packages from CPAN distributions themselves, and
might even be warranted in itself (I assume that --build a.k.a.
cpan2deb will be quite unhappy when it hits a M::B using

Cloning this bug for now; what do others think?


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