Processed: reassign 954038 to libhttp-tiny-perl, reassign 954040 to libhttp-tiny-perl ..., affects 962407

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Sat Jan 13 18:39:52 GMT 2024

Processing commands for control at

> reassign 954038 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954038 [pkg-perl-tools] pkg-perl-tools: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'pkg-perl-tools' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954038 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954038 to the same values previously set
Bug #954038 [libhttp-tiny-perl] pkg-perl-tools: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954040 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954040 [cpanminus] cpanminus: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'cpanminus' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954040 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954040 to the same values previously set
Bug #954040 [libhttp-tiny-perl] cpanminus: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954041 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954041 [cpanoutdated] cpanoutdated: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'cpanoutdated' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954041 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954041 to the same values previously set
Bug #954041 [libhttp-tiny-perl] cpanoutdated: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954043 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954043 [libcpan-common-index-perl] libcpan-common-index-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'libcpan-common-index-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954043 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954043 to the same values previously set
Bug #954043 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libcpan-common-index-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954044 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954044 [libcpan-perl-releases-perl] libcpan-perl-releases-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'libcpan-perl-releases-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954044 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954044 to the same values previously set
Bug #954044 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libcpan-perl-releases-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954045 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954045 [libcpanplus-perl] libcpanplus-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'libcpanplus-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954045 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954045 to the same values previously set
Bug #954045 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libcpanplus-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954046 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954046 [libcpan-sqlite-perl] libcpan-sqlite-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'libcpan-sqlite-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954046 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954046 to the same values previously set
Bug #954046 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libcpan-sqlite-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954047 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954047 [pmuninstall] pmuninstall: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'pmuninstall' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954047 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954047 to the same values previously set
Bug #954047 [libhttp-tiny-perl] pmuninstall: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954048 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954048 [libwww-oauth-perl] libwww-oauth-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'libwww-oauth-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954048 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954048 to the same values previously set
Bug #954048 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libwww-oauth-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954054 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954054 [libdist-inkt-role-test-perl] libdist-inkt-role-test-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'libdist-inkt-role-test-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954054 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954054 to the same values previously set
Bug #954054 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libdist-inkt-role-test-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954056 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954056 [libhtml-html5-parser-perl] libhtml-html5-parser-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'libhtml-html5-parser-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954056 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954056 to the same values previously set
Bug #954056 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libhtml-html5-parser-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954057 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954057 [libhttp-thin-perl] libhttp-thin-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'libhttp-thin-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954057 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954057 to the same values previously set
Bug #954057 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libhttp-thin-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954058 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954058 [libhttp-tinyish-perl] libhttp-tinyish-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'libhttp-tinyish-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954058 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954058 to the same values previously set
Bug #954058 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libhttp-tinyish-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954059 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954059 [libmenlo-perl] libmenlo-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'libmenlo-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954059 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954059 to the same values previously set
Bug #954059 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libmenlo-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954084 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954084 [libnanomsg-raw-perl] libnanomsg-raw-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'libnanomsg-raw-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954084 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954084 to the same values previously set
Bug #954084 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libnanomsg-raw-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954109 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954109 [librole-rest-client-perl] librole-rest-client-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'librole-rest-client-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954109 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954109 to the same values previously set
Bug #954109 [libhttp-tiny-perl] librole-rest-client-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> reassign 954111 libhttp-tiny-perl 0.076-1
Bug #954111 [libsearch-elasticsearch-perl] libsearch-elasticsearch-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug reassigned from package 'libsearch-elasticsearch-perl' to 'libhttp-tiny-perl'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #954111 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #954111 to the same values previously set
Bug #954111 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libsearch-elasticsearch-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Marked as found in versions libhttp-tiny-perl/0.076-1.
> forcemerge 962407 954038 954040 954041 954043 954044 954045 954046 954047 954048 954054 954056 954057 954058 954059 954084 954109 954111
Bug #962407 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libhttp-tiny-perl: CVE-2023-31486: Does not defaults to verify SSL certificates
Bug #954056 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libhtml-html5-parser-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 962407
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954056
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) upstream, fixed-upstream, and security.
Bug #954054 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libdist-inkt-role-test-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 962407 954056
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954054
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) security, fixed-upstream, and upstream.
Bug #954045 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libcpanplus-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 962407 954056 954054
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954045
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream, upstream, and security.
Bug #954047 [libhttp-tiny-perl] pmuninstall: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 962407 954054 954056 954045
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954047
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream, upstream, and security.
Bug #954059 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libmenlo-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 954056 954054 954045 962407 954047
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954059
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) upstream, fixed-upstream, and security.
Bug #954058 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libhttp-tinyish-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 962407 954047 954059 954056 954054 954045
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954058
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) security, upstream, and fixed-upstream.
Bug #954040 [libhttp-tiny-perl] cpanminus: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 954059 962407 954047 954058 954045 954056 954054
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954040
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) security, upstream, and fixed-upstream.
Bug #954038 [libhttp-tiny-perl] pkg-perl-tools: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 954045 954054 954056 954059 954047 954040 954058 962407
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954038
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream, upstream, and security.
Bug #954048 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libwww-oauth-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 954047 954059 954056 954054 954045 962407 954038 954058 954040
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954048
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) upstream, fixed-upstream, and security.
Bug #954111 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libsearch-elasticsearch-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Changed Bug forwarded-to-address to '' from ''.
954089 was blocked by: 954038 962407 954040 954058 954059 954047 954045 954054 954048 954056
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954111
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream, upstream, and security.
Bug #954041 [libhttp-tiny-perl] cpanoutdated: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 954056 954048 954054 954045 954111 954047 954059 954058 954040 954038 962407
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954041
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) security, upstream, and fixed-upstream.
Bug #954043 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libcpan-common-index-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 954038 954058 954040 954059 954047 954045 954056 954054 962407 954111 954041 954048
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954043
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) upstream, fixed-upstream, and security.
Bug #954109 [libhttp-tiny-perl] librole-rest-client-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 954040 954058 954038 954054 954056 954045 954047 954059 962407 954048 954041 954043 954111
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954109
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) security, upstream, and fixed-upstream.
Bug #954046 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libcpan-sqlite-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 954045 954054 954056 954059 954047 954040 954058 954038 954048 954041 954043 954111 954109 962407
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954046
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) security, upstream, and fixed-upstream.
Bug #954044 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libcpan-perl-releases-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
Severity set to 'important' from 'wishlist'
954089 was blocked by: 962407 954109 954046 954111 954041 954043 954048 954038 954058 954040 954047 954059 954056 954054 954045
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954044
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) security, upstream, and fixed-upstream.
Bug #954084 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libnanomsg-raw-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 962407 954044 954046 954109 954043 954041 954111 954048 954038 954040 954058 954059 954047 954045 954054 954056
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954084
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream, upstream, and security.
Bug #954057 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libhttp-thin-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
954089 was blocked by: 954048 954111 954043 954041 954046 954044 954109 954084 962407 954045 954056 954054 954059 954047 954058 954040 954038
954089 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 954089: 954057
Owner recorded as dom at
Added tag(s) upstream, fixed-upstream, and security.
Merged 954038 954040 954041 954043 954044 954045 954046 954047 954048 954054 954056 954057 954058 954059 954084 954109 954111 962407
> affects 962407 + libplack-perl pkg-perl-tools cpanminus cpanoutdated libcpan-common-index-perl libcpan-perl-releases-perl libcpanplus-perl libcpan-sqlite-perl pmuninstall libwww-oauth-perl libdist-inkt-role-test-perl libhtml-html5-parser-perl libhttp-thin-perl libhttp-tinyish-perl libmenlo-perl libnanomsg-raw-perl librole-rest-client-perl libsearch-elasticsearch-perl libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Bug #962407 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libhttp-tiny-perl: CVE-2023-31486: Does not defaults to verify SSL certificates
Bug #954038 [libhttp-tiny-perl] pkg-perl-tools: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954040 [libhttp-tiny-perl] cpanminus: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954041 [libhttp-tiny-perl] cpanoutdated: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954043 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libcpan-common-index-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954044 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libcpan-perl-releases-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954045 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libcpanplus-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954046 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libcpan-sqlite-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954047 [libhttp-tiny-perl] pmuninstall: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954048 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libwww-oauth-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954054 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libdist-inkt-role-test-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954056 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libhtml-html5-parser-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954057 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libhttp-thin-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954058 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libhttp-tinyish-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954059 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libmenlo-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954084 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libnanomsg-raw-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954109 [libhttp-tiny-perl] librole-rest-client-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Bug #954111 [libhttp-tiny-perl] libsearch-elasticsearch-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL
Added indication that 962407 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954038 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954040 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954041 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954043 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954044 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954045 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954046 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954047 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954048 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954054 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954056 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954057 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954058 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954059 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954084 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954109 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
Added indication that 954111 affects libplack-perl, pkg-perl-tools, cpanminus, cpanoutdated, libcpan-common-index-perl, libcpan-perl-releases-perl, libcpanplus-perl, libcpan-sqlite-perl, pmuninstall, libwww-oauth-perl, libdist-inkt-role-test-perl, libhtml-html5-parser-perl, libhttp-thin-perl, libhttp-tinyish-perl, libmenlo-perl, libnanomsg-raw-perl, librole-rest-client-perl, libsearch-elasticsearch-perl, and libgitlab-api-v4-perl
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

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