Bug#1082293: transition: perl 5.40

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Tue Oct 1 20:52:01 BST 2024

Hi, just an update on this now that the libxml2 mess
is sorted out (thanks Sebastian).

On Thu, Sep 19, 2024 at 08:19:41PM +0300, Niko Tyni wrote:
> Package: release.debian.org
> User: release.debian.org at packages.debian.org
> Usertags: transition
> X-Debbugs-Cc: perl at packages.debian.org
> Hi release team,
> I'd like to get Perl 5.40 into sid and trixie.
> There's four known regression bugs left open. One package
> (libgetopt-long-descriptive-perl, #1078075) will need an upload in
> lockstep with perl. The other three have pending NMUs in the DELAYED queue
> (thanks Gregor!)
>   https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=perl-5.40-transition;users=debian-perl@lists.debian.org

These are all handled now.

> I don't have good tools to check for existing testing/unstable skew
> with packages that will need binNMUs. The only blocker I'm currently
> aware of is vim / #1082125 . 

Came up with some UDD queries for this [1] which currently give
nine affected packages that are out of sync between sid and trixie:


Most of these look like they'll migrate on their own in a few days,
including libyaml-libyaml-perl as lintian was recently fixed (#1082612).

I just sent a patch for libcryptx-perl (#1082952).

nbdkit (#1082751) remains, but it's only a libperl5.38 dependency so
soft updates should help things (I think?)

nginx_1.26.0-3 is brand new, so it's hard to say yet if the failing
autopkgtests are just flaky.

(linux seems an outlier and actually in sync at the moment. Guess I'll
have to special case it and/or understand why there are 16 distinct
versions of it in the UDD sources table for trixie+sid.)

So things are looking pretty good to me at the moment. Please let me
know if there's something I have missed.

[1] Apologies for my SQL babytalk, optimizations welcome. I'm using a
    temporary table for the list of affected source packages as matching
    the dependency metadata seems rather heavy on the server.

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE perl_sources (psource text);
    INSERT INTO perl_sources (
      SELECT DISTINCT source FROM packages WHERE
        release='sid' AND (
            depends ~ '(perlapi-|libperl)5\.38' OR
            recommends ~  '(perlapi-|libperl)5\.38' OR
            pre_depends ~  '(perlapi-|libperl)5\.38'
    SELECT source FROM perl_sources, sources WHERE
      psource=source AND
      EXISTS (
        SELECT 1 FROM sources WHERE source=psource AND release='trixie'
      ) AND (
        release = 'sid' OR
        release = 'trixie'
     GROUP BY source
     HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT version) > 1;
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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