Processed: perl: thread creation while a directory handle is open does a fchdir, affecting other threads

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Tue Feb 18 16:03:04 GMT 2025

Processing control commands:

> reassign -1 perl 5.40.1-2
Bug #1098226 [src:linux] linux-image-6.12.13-amd64: newfstatat syscall ENOENT failure in multithreaded program
Bug reassigned from package 'src:linux' to 'perl'.
No longer marked as found in versions linux/6.12.13-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1098226 to the same values previously set
Bug #1098226 [perl] linux-image-6.12.13-amd64: newfstatat syscall ENOENT failure in multithreaded program
Marked as found in versions perl/5.40.1-2.
> retitle -1 perl: thread creation while a directory handle is open does a fchdir, affecting other threads (race condition)
Bug #1098226 [perl] linux-image-6.12.13-amd64: newfstatat syscall ENOENT failure in multithreaded program
Changed Bug title to 'perl: thread creation while a directory handle is open does a fchdir, affecting other threads (race condition)' from 'linux-image-6.12.13-amd64: newfstatat syscall ENOENT failure in multithreaded program'.
> tags -1 security upstream
Bug #1098226 [perl] perl: thread creation while a directory handle is open does a fchdir, affecting other threads (race condition)
Added tag(s) security.
> severity -1 grave
Bug #1098226 [perl] perl: thread creation while a directory handle is open does a fchdir, affecting other threads (race condition)
Severity set to 'grave' from 'important'
> forwarded -1
Bug #1098226 [perl] perl: thread creation while a directory handle is open does a fchdir, affecting other threads (race condition)
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.

Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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